Invoicing - Undo/revert to previous version of an invoice
Create an undo or revert option for edits made to invoices. We can already see the history of changes made to an invoice, so why can't there be a option to undo or revert to a previous revision of the invoice?

Ryan Switzer commented
My case is similar to other users on this thread. I created a multi-page invoice with descriptions for hourly tasks, essentially a month long timecard, and intended to make a copy to retain only the client information and skeleton of the invoice format. Halfway through I realized that I was editing the original invoice not a copy - tried to exit and not save the changes to find out Xero had autosaved everything I accidentally deleted. I can see the edits in History and notes, so the data has to be available. Please allow us to access it!
Karen Kennedy commented
Let us type date in too!!!
Scott McNerney commented
I typed a 3 page invoice, made a mistake and it was all gone. Being able to undo would be amazing.
Andrew Duncan commented
Just got bitten by this today - went searching for the cancel/undo option only to find everything had been auto-saved and there was no way back.
Naomi Gibbins commented
Great idea.
I'd also add there's little point in having changes saved when an invoice is in draft - it's not approved yet so this detail is a waste of time.
Ashley Bridgland commented
When writing quote or invoice and filling in description of item there needs to be an undo feature added to the form or window to allow for human error by accidently erasing data with keyboard input, possibly a bulit in undo button to the invoice or quote to prevent inputed data lost before the document is saved
Valerio Rosellini commented
Today I've opened an invoice and was in the process of changing a line in it. Then I've changed my mind and decided to leave the line in the invoice. In the meantime I removed the product code associated with that line and Xero autosaved the invoice in the middle of this, so now the line does have description, price, account, discount, quantity, but doesn't have its product code. Is there a way to REVERT the invoice to a previous autosaved point (specifically, a point where that line had the code)? This will save my time since if I must rewrite the whole line to restore the product code in it I'll have to add again all the other parameters (q.ty, account, price, discount, description, since as we all know when you reselect a code of a product the whole line will be overwritten by the default parameters of the coded item). That's why many don't like autosave. Autosave is not absolutely a good thing and there should be a way to deactivate it or at least to revert the autosave log to a previously saved point.
Richard Bergen commented
With Auto save, there is no way to correct a mistake. Xero needs to have a GO BACK option, so that mistakes can be corrected without having to redo the entire invoice.
Kimberlee Pearce commented
We sent an invoice to a customer that had the bank details for payment added into Xero incorrectly on our end. Error has since been corrected, but customer has the initial Xero-generated invoice with the incorrect details. When I view the invoice in Xero now, it shows the correct bank details. Is there a way to find/see the invoice that was sent with incorrect details?