New Invoicing - Copy invoice to keep existing email
Thank you for delivering to keep the existing contact when copying an invoice. Now when you email the invoice the email address is not populated from the contact file. You have to go and look it up to send the copied invoice.
Please refer to the contact details and pre-populate their contact email addresses.

Sorry Lynne, It's a bit hard to troubleshoot and get the detail to understand why your contacts details like email aren't coming through to your copied invoice. I've just tested this with Draft and approved invoices being copied and the email of the contact was bought through each time as expected. I'd recommend raising this with our specialist through the Contact Xero Support option in Xero Central for closer inspection.
Thanks for also checking on this, Olga - that message on defaults application is related to the Sales defaults saved against inventory items or the contacts record but doesn't apply to the contacts personal details. These should be applied when copying an invoice.
To explain a little more - The reason defaults aren't automatically applied is because the line item fields will be prefilled with the information from the existing invoice that the new one is copied from.
We understand some users would still like to see these applied and you may like to vote on the idea here if this is the behaviour you'd like.
Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly, thank you for following up on this one.
I just experimented and discovered why we can't see an email address in the freshly copied invoice when you click on "Email". Because it was not saved!!!
Classic invoicing does not show the Email button in the draft invoice until the invoice is saved. It does make sense.
New invoicing shows the Email option in the dropdown menu BEFORE the invoice is saved. When we push it, no email address in the "To:" line. After the invoice is saved, the "To:" line shows the email address.
My suggestion is it's better to remove the "Email" option from the dropdown menu. It must appear only after the invoice is saved.
I tried the above in the morning with dummy invoices.
Now I had to copy three real invoices and email them. The first invoice did show the email address in the "To:" line when I clicked "Approve & Email" button. But, two other invoices did not show the email addresses. I had to cancel. When you cancel two things happen: the invoice is approved and marked as unsent. Then I emailed the invoices using the dropdown menu option "Email".
It is very frustrating.
1. Why cancelling "Approve & Email" cancels "Email" only?
2. Why the first copied invoice was okay with the email address and two others were not? -
Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi Kelly,
May I interpret this? In new accounting, when we copy an invoice, the message appears:
"Contact and Item defaults will not reapply to the new invoice. If you want to reapply defaults, remove and reselect the Contact or Item after the invoice is copied."
This means that we need to reselect the contact if we want to see the correct email address!!!
This undermines the purpose of copying an invoice.
Is it possible to restore a proper "copy to" function as classic invoicing has it?
Aspedia Accounts commented
Hi Kelly,
When I go to email the invoice that I have just copied from a previous invoice - the contact is chosen - however the email address doesn't populate for me.
If it's a new invoice the email address is populated as expected.
See attached file where I've copied from one contact to show you what is happening for me.