New invoicing | Copy to same contact - auto apply defaults
Thanks for allowing the contact to remain when copying an invoice over - but please can you allow the defaults for the contact e.g. Tax rate to pull through as well?
I have found when changing the account, or just adding a new item, that it is not bringing this in (as the little warning states when you are copying) but this is a real pain as you have to keep checking the Tax rate and amending when it isn't correct for that contact.
Please can this be fixed as it was not an issue in the previous version of invoicing.

Quick spotting there, team. Thanks for staying engaged through this idea. I can confirm that this was a bonus change that has been implemented with the release of other improvements in the Contact field.
As you've noted, now when you copy an invoice and select the same contact it will auto apply that contact's defaults.
Our team are working to remove that warning that defaults won't be applied so you should see that go soon.
Olga O'Keefe commented
Jodi Herbein,
Yes, I checked it. And the payment terms were applied correctly! However, the warning pop-up window is still there. Maybe they forgot to remove it?
Jodi Herbein commented
I believe this has been fixed!! I just ran invoices this morning and it looks like the payment terms of the client are updating in the copy to draft option.
Catherine Trainor commented
Ongoing issue with "new invoicing" since we changed over in July 2024:
When we copy an invoice to create a new invoice, there is still the issue of Xero automatically calculating to our company's 14 days payment terms from invoice date, not the client's eg: 30 days from invoice date (which is already set up in Xero against the client). We have a large number of clients with a variety of different payment terms (which are entered in against the individual contact in Xero).
All Xero has done is add a warning box to say "defaults" won't automatically be copied across & the only way to fix it is to remove the client completely & then add them back in again.
This is just making the invoicing process take longer which is extremely frustrating & very time consuming having to re-calculate each one (due to the high number of daily invoices).
This was never an issue with Classic invoicing. It would automatically update the due date based on the individual client's payment terms. Classic invoicing would also re-calculate the due date when the invoice date changed when draft invoices were ready to be sent.
Amherst Accountancy commented
When copying a new sales invoice from a previous invoice the due date defaults to company settings rather than contact settings - this is inconvenient to say the least as you can't remember the payment terms for every customer - that is the whole point of being able to to set default terms.
Clare Wilson commented
Another month-end with more incorrect VAT rates on invoices going out to clients - this is so frustrating and not something that we had problems with previously!
Please can you review this request again - what is the point in setting defaults in contacts, when they only work on new invoices? Copying prior invoices is so important when you have repeating business, we use this every time we raise an invoice and for it to not be using the defaults as set against the contact is causing so many issues - VAT being the major one!
Maura Walshe commented
In the new invoicing mode, when you copy an invoice for a customer, those customer's default payment terms (default due date) is not used. Can this be rectified? Have been using the old invoicing style to copy invoices to date, concerned that using the old invoicing is being deactivated shortly.
Jodi Herbein commented
I invoice repeating clients a few times per month. My process is to pull the past invoice - to be sure they were billed in the prior cycle, and to copy that invoice to a draft invoice so I keep all the formatting and wording in the invoice, and can adjust quantities as needed. When the original invoice is copied to the draft format - the due date does not adjust according to the clients payment terms set up in their contact info I need to pull an approved invoice - re click on the invoice date in order for the due date to set properly. The old invoicing system did not have this issue. This has casued a number of my invoices to go out with the incorrect due date unless I go back in and adjust. Or count on the calendar to manually enter the due date in the new invoice. Please fix this issue.
Alexander Mears commented
When copying an invoice to a "new invoice", the Issue Date and Due Date change to the current date.
Customer's have prescribed Due Dates based on invoice date e.g. +7 days, +14 days.
This data is not used for the newly created invoice, and there is no way of finding it without opening the customer page, and finding how many days after the issue date the invoice due date should be set. It's a very slow process.REQUESTED SOLUTION
When copying and invoice (or changing the customer on an existing draft invoice), the Due Date should change to reflect the Due Date settings for the customer if they are +X vs Issue Date.
Alternatively, in the Due Date drop down, there could be an option to select Due Date based on customer settings.
Ruth Agyapong commented
Will it be possible to retain contact defaults when copying an invoice? Please make thi
Kelly Hendrick commented
When you copy to draft, it pre-fills with today's date but the due date is also pre-filled as today's date instead of using the rule set in the customers settings.
Sylvie Watson commented
When I copy an invoice now I have to choose whether I want the client name or the correct due date which I have set up in the customer details? Utter nonsense and very time consuming - it was great before you changed everything.
Victoria Ellis commented
I dont understand why if you take something away from us that we then have to request it be added back in - I have a very Very unhappy client now and it has cost me time
Nida Dar commented
If you start a new Invoice for a client (from scratch) and the 45days are in the Client settings the due date is worked out correctly. However, when you "Copy to draft invoice" the due date doesn't default as per the client settings (even if the last invoice was correctly set at 45 days), the new invoice defaults to 30days.
Martine Robin commented
We invoice our customers multiple times for a projects (progress claims). When I copy an invoice, the payment terms I have set up for the customers are no longer being applied under the new invoicing version which is not good - the payment date is the same as the issue date rather than 30 days EOM which are our normal payment terms set up. Could you please fix? Thanks. Regards, Martine -
Clare Wilson commented
This is most certainly a step backwards! It has already caused us issues this month with individual customers having mixed VAT rates because we have copied a previous invoice and then added additional items, which I believe then pulls the tax default from the nominal code - what is the point in setting a contact tax default code, if in this situation, it is ignored?! This did not happen in the classic invoicing!
Russ Smith commented
Hi Kelly,
I don't think the explanation you have been given is correct.
This is how new invoicing currently works when copying the invoice:
1) Customer X has an existing invoice, the line items of that invoice are set to Zero Rated Income
2) The Sales Defaults Sales VAT setting for Customer X is also set to Zero Rated Income
3) I copy this existing invoice, and it's for the same customer i.e. the To is left as Customer X
4) The Tax Rate for the copied lines remains as Zero Rated Income, which is what we'd expect to see
5) But, when you go to add a new line, e.g. for extra item sold this month, the Tax Rate on the new line now defaults to 20% (VAT on Income). My guess is it's either pulling this Tax Rate from the default rate assigned to the nominal ledger code, or it's going by whether our company is VAT registered or not.Needless to say, this did not happen under old invoicing, it is a pain to have to keep changing it, and what's more key is that it's likely to result in a lot of incorrect invoices with mixed VAT rates that get sent out to customers (especially in conjunction with that terrible approve and email button).
I don't understand why this would not be changed, as it's clearly a step backward from the old invoicing. But I guess if not, we'll just add this to the list of things that Xero is refusing to fix under the 'improved' new invoicing that system that has been forced upon the hapless users.
Russ Smith commented
This is so annoying. Please get this fixed. I have no idea why you would release something in this state and then force it upon us.
Alana Porter commented
Why are the terms not also copied when you copy an invoice for the same contact??????
I finally saw the tiny note saying to remove and re-add the contact. This is just a waste of time and another step to remember.
If I wanted a different contact I would change it and their terms would come up.
New invoicing is NOT EASIER OR SIMPLER. It is Painful.Why change something that wasn't broken??