Settings and activity
44 results found
43 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Dwyer commented
Why would I want to date an invoice tomorrow? As was said below, even "yesterday" would be better than that, but end of last month seems a no brainer.
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
222 votes
Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Dwyer commented
I would be interesting in having a button at the top and at the bottom. Sometimes we have long invoices, which are made longer by the large spaced rows, and it takes ages to get back to the top of the page. And I like to confirm the total at the bottom before hitting approve, so that's plenty of back and forth if I don't have my caffeine.
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
8 votes
Thanks for the added detail, Becky. This is good to know when sharing back with the team. While this may be something we look closer at down the line, I want to be open that we don't have direct change planned in the near term.
Understand it's a few more clicks at present, potentially to save tabbing 8 time clicking on the Tax Rate column and then tabbing once may save a little time atm. Completely get it's not a resolve though.
Account Team - Is it possible that this would be when you're copying an invoice to a new draft invoice? If so, and you select the same Contact defaults aren't automatically applied and you'd need to remove and re-add the contact on the new draft invoice to trigger defaults to be applied. Otherwise, I'd recommend raising a case with our team of specialists for a closer look as…
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Dwyer commented
The invoice is created from a third party system and imported into Xero. This is quite common among people who use outside systems to monitor sales. When the invoice is imported into Xero, the third party software enters the description, quantity, amount, account and VAT. But it does not have an option for tracking categories. These must be manually added into Xero.
On old invoicing, the invoice would be imported, and then I'd just go click click click down the tracking category column and it would automatically fill in from the contact default.
But on new invoicing, when I select the tracking category column, I have to manually select the tracking category. There is the option to tab across to get it automatically filled in but I feel a bit silly hitting tab 8 times when I used to just do one click. That, and it increases the risk that something else would change on the invoice lines.
If the invoices were only one or two lines, I probably wouldn't be moaning about this. But I think one recent invoice had like 13 lines. So just being able to click down the page only 13 times is a lot better than 13 click-select or 13*8 tabs.Becky Dwyer shared this idea ·
394 votes
Appreciate your feedback on how you'd like to see new invoicing improved to create more efficiency processing sales with Xero. There are a couple of different requests around defaults looped into this one idea that would be good to unpick and keep separate so we can keep you updated on any progress for each individually.
For interest around being able to set a default for the 'Approve and Send' button - There's an idea that's been started for this here that I'd recommend joining.
Kathy, your recent comment sounds more like the ability to be able to send invoices to a contact group with new invoicing - we totally get the interest in this too and have an idea for this here that you can follow.
Taking on board feedback we have made a change with the new send experience so now, selections for 'Include PDF of invoice' and 'Send…Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
10 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
52 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
13 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
24 votes
Hi everyone, while we still have more changes planned in this space I wanted to fill you in on the more recent changes in this space.
We have now added the ability to view the email an invoice was sent to in history, as well as adding timestamps for more insight into when an event was made.
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
59 votes
Appreciate your feedback, everyone. Currently our team are doing some work on improving the line item grid (where you enter details of your invoice) this also involves providing the ability to view the full account name both when editing and viewing the invoice. For now we'll shift this idea to working on it and I'll share more news when this goes live. Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Dwyer commented
This is super important as many of my clients have long complicated chart of accounts and likewise long complicated account code names
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
56 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
387 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
73 votes
Hi community, we value your engagement in product ideas here. As you may have seen we've recently rolled out a new send experience in new invoicing.
With this new side-by-side view you'll find you can also CC and BCC other emails 🎉
While this feature is contained to new invoicing atm, we'll look at applying a similar experience to other areas of Xero that you can send from in the future, so we'll keep you updated of any further developments for this here. Thanks!
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
6 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
49 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
7 votes
Thanks for the confirmation, Andrew and Sue. While it's possible to add the organisations email in the Contact details field of a Standard branding theme, and could be inserted as Static text on an Advanced template, appreciate there is no specific field for this atm, and why you may like to make this mandatory or a default on the template.
We'll leave your idea for making this mandatory here and you may like to also join this idea for providing as a specific field for this in advanced templates. Being open it's not something we have direct plans for atm, but we'll keep an eye on the interest here and share if there's any plans made.
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
2 votes
Becky Dwyer shared this idea ·
11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Dwyer commented
I agree, this icon is confusing. It would be very useful if we could view the files attached to a bill/invoice from the contact screen.
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
89 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
31 votes
Becky Dwyer supported this idea ·
Oh god this would have been so useful when doing a huge monthly sales invoice on this cleanup job we did!