Invoices - Option to identify which invoices are not assigned to a Project
When using Xero Projects, we can assigned Bills and Sales Invoices to a Project.
However, it is possible to create a Sales Invoice and easily overlook assigning it to a Project.
There is no way to identify Sales Invoices which have not been assigned to a Project. (A recent update provided a feature to do this for Bills but not Sales invoices)

Michelle Mulligan commented
We use projects and automatic monthly invoices from Ignition which does not link to the project in Xero. This would save us so much time each month when allocating these invoices to projects and ensuring we have not missed any
Adriana Summey commented
This would be very useful in my industry as every invoice needs to be assigned to a project and currently there is no easy way to determine if an invoice has been assigned to a project or not unless you open each and every one. This is very tedious and time consuming.
Linda Carrington commented
This is vital to help reduce the risk of double billing / project managers thinking they've not invoiced.
marianne maritz commented
Critical for me. Volume of transactions makes it impossible to look for Invoice line items not assigned to a project. VERY VERY Time-consuming at the moment.
I need to balance/reconcile invoice lines assigned to projects to Invoice lines assigned to categories??? Possible to do at the moment for Bills but not Invoice lines … Any ideas?
If you can add an option "by Project" on 'Receivable Invoice Detail Report' it will be very easy to see which line was missed.
Attached my report below. "Build" is the category field.
Thanks guys!
Ketankumar Patel commented
Dear Xero,
I would like to suggest a report which showing reconciled transaction along with project reference. Also if you can come up with another report showing transaction not assigned to project (as like bill not assigned to project) Would be really nice. Right now the problem for me is that for example if I forget to assign project to a transaction I am not able to find it out by any way and I am not able to charge that much amount to the particular project.
I am happy to explain this in more details if you want.
Ketan -
Emma Hards commented
100% this is critical. I don't understand why it's available for bills and not sales invoices or credit notes...
Carla Lee commented
This is very important, especially with each individual line of the invoice needing to be assigned to a project (still waiting for the 'assign/select all' option to be developed. It is very easy for a line to be missed then almost impossible to pick it up afterwards without manually going through the invoice lines.
Bolanle Sadiku commented
This is very important, so we can easily see project that was not assigned and especially if you are just switching to Xero project or you forgot to do the same while creating the invoice.
Many thanks in advance.
Saif Islam commented
This would allow reconciling human error of missing to assign an invoice to a project.
Genelou Manangan commented
I need this for customised P&L report
Heide Baer commented
Ageed this would be fantastic. I've tried building report but no project information is available in custom reports that I can see.
Also, it would be great to have the ability to attach the project to a repeating invoice so that I don't have to audit for this.
Alternatively, the ability to add a column in the invoice module to show project assigned to each invoice.
Unsure which option is easier to implement, but any/all would be fantastic!