Invoice Template - Make organisation email address a mandatory field
On the invoice template a mandatory field to be completed of the business email address. Majority on Xero invoices sent don't have an email address which makes it difficult to contact the business via email.

Thanks for the confirmation, Andrew and Sue. While it's possible to add the organisations email in the Contact details field of a Standard branding theme, and could be inserted as Static text on an Advanced template, appreciate there is no specific field for this atm, and why you may like to make this mandatory or a default on the template.
We'll leave your idea for making this mandatory here and you may like to also join this idea for providing as a specific field for this in advanced templates. Being open it's not something we have direct plans for atm, but we'll keep an eye on the interest here and share if there's any plans made.
Cheryl Edgtton commented
Shouldn't have to go through the convoluted process of using non-standard invoices to have email addresses displayed on invoices.
This totally inept software then sends the invoice from a non-descript email address to the recipient, so they have no idea what the email address could be for a new supplier. Then we have to take the time to call them to find out what it is, wasting our time whereas a simple addition to the invoice could change that - how about Xero taking some kind of responsibility for the gross amount of money it collects from its customers every month and spending it on something that the customers actually ask for? Ridiculous.
Would like to know exactly what Xero has "direct plans for atm" because every time I have added something to this useless page, nothing has been done. The only thing I've noticed is an update to the "look" of the billing and receipting pages and the contact page - all so that we can no longer tab through and enter information quickly, we now have to jump from keyboard to mouse and back again to enter information because Xero has "IMPROVED" their invoicing, billing and contact information - hahahahaaha -
Sue Packer commented
Hi Kelly - I am referring to the invoice which a business creates. When setting up the template they aren't prompted what information to include in the contact details field eg phone number, email address. Therefore small business are emailing invoices directly from Xero without contact details. Have had to google the business for email etc. Which can be difficult for a sole trader. I believe it would be beneficial for these details to be highlighted to included when setting up an invoice template
Andrew Syme commented
Hi Kelly,
I believe the idea relates to the ORGANISATIONS email address - Not the Contacts. -
Lan Perera commented
We list the customer's email addresses on the invoice PDF. At the moment, with the custom docx invoice template, we could only add one main email address. We require all the email addresses stored in the customer's contact details to be listed on the invoice. This should be easy to do as the fields and data are already there in Xero.