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249 results found
181 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
18 votes
Hi everyone, while we appreciate and initially provided a solution for the idea here within the new invoicing email modal, we wanted to return as after further testing this feature has needed to be removed.
That said, we know being able to add basic formatting to your emails is important to some of our customers and while the tool bar has been removed you can still add basic html formatting to your emails to bold, add italics or underline text within the invoice emails you send to customers.
- Bold = <b> and </b>
- Italics = <i> and </i>
- Underline = <u> and </u>
We understand not all customers are familiar with these tags so I've added an example image that shows the different tags that can be added and how these will show instantly within the email preview so you can make sure you email looks as you expect.
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
188 votes
Hi community, thanks for on-going engagements with us about how you use the Xero network in this idea. As our team continue work on new invoicing, development for building the Xero Network within new invoicing is now underway, and we'll keep you updated of further news of this, here.
In the meantime, if you've set up Xero network for your contacts you can continue to send these through the Invoices awaiting payments list. As mentioned in my last updated we still strongly recommend exploring eInvoicing as a solution.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
Removing my Vote: E-Invoicing is more Secure, Faster and Flexible than X@X will ever be.
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
222 votes
Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
Can someone please explain this request to me ?
New Invoicing has Auto Save. So All changes are automatically saved unless there is no Contact. Xero will not save an Invoice without a contact.
When does anyone intend to use the Save Button ?
As for Save and Close, What point ? Just click on the Breadcrumbs to get back to Invoices.Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
851 votes
Hi community, we value there are many different aspects within new invoicing where our invoicing users can see small changes to flows and actions could make a big difference to your workflow and experience.
I can assure you we’re engaged, we’re listening and we’re taking all your feedback into consideration as we keep building on new invoicing.
While we’ll continue to keep you updated on specific releases that relate to things that’ve been mentioned in this idea, our teams have also begun some research to get a deepened sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We’d like to connect with you all in this idea, and invite you to share further feedback through our survey. Your insights will be invaluable to the team as they continue to plan and prioritise in this space.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
@Glenda Brown. The Function to add new tracking Options is already there.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
Ust a quick note to all those that want the Classic version to continue. I'm sure that Xero would be happy to consider this as long as you agree that any errors or bugs will not be fixed.
The first function to fail, I suspect will be the Xero to Xero Network as it is decommisioned.
The second failure will be with Contacts as the changes for Multiple Delivery Addresses is rolled out.
The Third function to fail, will be repeating Invoices being accessible in Classic, as the changes to contacts are rolled thru.
and on and on it goes.So Please, Be careful what you wish for !!
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
@Rae Stanton. Can you please explain how this is a bug ? It behaves as I would expect. Once a Contact has been entered, the Invoice is auto saved and the Invoice number control is progressed by 1. Until a Contact is entered, the invoice cannot be saved, therefore the invoice number control is NOT updated.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
@Kelly, Can you PLEASE fix the Form for the Beta test on New New Invoicing !!
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
23 votes
Hi team, thanks for sharing and showing your interest on the idea, here. Atm our product team are doing some work to improve the line item grid and as part of this the item field will also see some improvement. Once the changes are released for the edit page you'll be able to view more items for each drop down option in the grid.
I'll keep you updated of the release for this here.
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
170 votes
Thanks for your engagement here, Charl. While not a complete solution you may find the use of the 'Home' button on your keyboard helps you quickly navigat back up the page 🙂
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
428 votes
Thanks to everyone that participated in and shared back on the team’s research in the new invoicing layout. Taking your feedback on board our teams have made some improvements to the layout of new invoicing, including changes to the layout of fields and buttons.
By rearranging and condensing space between fields, you’ll find there is less white space than previously shown, making it easier to navigate and tab through fields when entering your invoices.We’re actively looking into changes within the invoicing grid that’ll go further to condensing information on the screen and reducing actions when entering your invoices. We’ll update as there is more information to share on this.
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
82 votes
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
1 vote
Andrew Syme shared this idea ·
9 votes
Is there a specific element / field of the transactions that you're trying to search by?
Currently there are a range of details that you can search by and Xero will return results for transactions that have been entered in your org (reconciled or unreconciled)
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
9 votes
Hi all, I wanted to share that while there's no export option on the Account Transactions screen itself, it is possible to export a list of unreconciled Account Transactions with the Business Bank Account Reconciliation Summary report. If you export a copy of this to Excel you'll find the sections for Plus Outstanding Payments and Less Outstanding Receipts which are the unreconciled account transactions. Hope that helps 😊
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
Hi Hannah, How can I run the Business Bank Account Reconciliation Summary report for ALL the Bank Accounts in one Report ?
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
311 votes
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
25 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
Hi Kelly,
Thankyou for that useful tip. But the Attach to NEW Invoice DOESN'T WORK from the files or from a folder. The screen goes to the invoice, but it doesn't attach it as there is no contact. Please see product IdeaAn error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
Great that New Invoicing can now add attachments from the Inbox - Yay
BUT, the key functionality of being able to return the file to the inbox when it is removed from the invoice is still missing. Removing an attachment from an invoice DELETES it, Gone. Cannot be recovered.
Tip: ALWAYS Download your attachments before removing them from invoices, regardless of Needing them.Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
13 votes
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
57 votes
Hi everyone, further to my recent update about our teams looking closer into the flows around attaching files to invoices, our product team have also started more research to get a better sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We wanted to reach out to you all here to invite you to contribute through this survey. All your feedback will be deeply valuable to the team.
I’ll keep you updated on any progress around this idea specifically.
An error occurred while saving the comment Andrew Syme commented
The functionality to Add a New Invoice from the files area is Broken as the file is not attached to the New Invoice.
Andrew Syme shared this idea ·
15 votes
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
11 votes
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
111 votes
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
35 votes
Andrew Syme supported this idea ·
A A can you please make contact via email
Some feedback
The app doesn't seem to download anything - so obv I am missing some step ??
Would be nice to have a feedback option in the menu ??
Perhaps consider a common request of "Move a Bank Transaction (eg Spend Money) from one bank account to another"
I like the look and feel - but it would connect to Demo ?
Contacts needs to be refined to Customers only ?
Also the export Attachments function looks interesting - Maybe a help section ?