New invoicing - View in files library when uploading and option to return to library
In New Invoicing, I need the ability to view the files in the file library prior to attaching them to an invoice, as I can do in Classic Invoicing. This is because when received into the file library, the files aren't always in the same order as they were scanned. I tried attaching a file using New Invoicing and it wasn't the right file and, because I couldn't return the file to the file library, I had to rescan the document back into the file library. Without the ability to view files prior to attaching them to the invoice, users will be employing "hit or miss" when attaching files and will end up having to rescan files that were attached to the wrong invoice because they can't return them to the file library. Not having the ability to view files prior to attachment and the inability to return files to the file library will result in users needlessly spending time repeating the scan / attach file process when processing invoices in New Invoicing.

Flora Keiller commented
We can do this in the bank reconciliation when creating new transactions, please allow us to do it in new invoicing as well. At the moment I need to have another tab open to view the files. Yet another workaround I've had to implement in order to make Xero usable.
Dennis Lawrence commented
Come on Xero support. Please fix this before classic invoicing is retired for good. This is something that, if not fixed, will cause users needless wasted time doing a hit or miss file selection process. The technology is already in classic invoicing. Please put it in new.
nicola dryden commented
So we all have the some problem, but what are Xero doing to change it back to what we used to be able to do before?
Holly Gilbert commented
In the old version of invoicing you are able to add an invoice straight from the file library and preview the file for which you are creating the invoice. In new invoicing the feature has been removed which adds complexity into a workflow. It seems strange to remove this feature. Please put this back into new invoicing.
Stephen Carter commented
When adding files from the library, there should be an option to select the file from the preview screen. This prevents having to remember the name of the file you are previewing, then selecting it to add to the transaction
Dennis Lawrence commented
I would like to concur with everything said above. When I scan documents to the file library, they don't always hit in the same order they were scanned. Having to attach a file prior to knowing whether the file is the correct one wastes a lot of time. Also, the inability to return a selected file to the file library is a big time waster as well. Please correct this deficienty as soon as possible.
Hannah Fox commented
This is a problem. I too need to be able to set he invoice in the File Library before i attach to the invoice in the new invoicing module and the ability to add it back tot he File Library if incorrect. This feature is in Classic invoicing ad very much relied upon. Is it there, will it be there before classic goes?
Roger Mears commented
When using the 'new invoicing' you are unable to remove an attachment and put back into the file library, you can only delete the file. The classic invoicing allowed you to remove and save to library or delete. Much better functionality.
Jade Bai commented
So with the fantastic new invoicing that we have to use, there is no longer the option to create a new invoice from the files library which forces me to add it once i have created the invoice.
My issue now is that you cannot preview the file before you attach it to make sure it was the right one, and if it is the wrong one you have to delete it - there is no option to send it back to the file library which means you have to then re-scan it... What a huge step backwards (unless I am missing something??) -
Andrew Syme commented
Hi Kelly,
Thankyou for that useful tip. But the Attach to NEW Invoice DOESN'T WORK from the files or from a folder. The screen goes to the invoice, but it doesn't attach it as there is no contact. Please see product Idea -
Lisa Duggan commented
I often use the function in classic invoicing when need to split an invoice - it allows me to easily move the attachments around within Xero without going outside of Xero.
Andrew Syme commented
Great that New Invoicing can now add attachments from the Inbox - Yay
BUT, the key functionality of being able to return the file to the inbox when it is removed from the invoice is still missing. Removing an attachment from an invoice DELETES it, Gone. Cannot be recovered.
Tip: ALWAYS Download your attachments before removing them from invoices, regardless of Needing them.