New Invoicing | Files - Ability to attach files before adding contact
This Function is Broken with New Invoicing - It does NOT create a new invoice with the file attached.
Jacquelene Drummond commented
Raised case CX0015497634. Most of my clients send PO's to files before creating invoice. This is critical.
Simon Marshall commented
Is there any more news on this issue?
I fill out all the details for the invoice from the file that I previously upload to Xero.
Until I can attach the file I dont know the contact details which the new invoice system demands to be the initial step.
This is critical in our business.
Kevin Newman commented
Totally agree
This is a massive backward step and very time consuming
Long live Classic Invoicing -
Mark McPartland commented
Hi @Kelly, perhaps this is referring to the 'issue'; that when adding files that already exist in the library to a transaction or invoie, the UI does not given the option to preview the file, so a user really has no idea what the files are in the library.
See attached. all the UI shows is a worhtless filename and size and date uploaded. You can see from my example I have 100_+ files, so how the heck can a user know which file (receipt in my case) I need to pick to add.Sounds like a simple one to fix for a better UX to me
Tracey Peoples commented
Why is xero taking away functionality? It is going backwards not forwards.
Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Christine Bending commented
Totally agree I need to be able to see the attachment first so I can see the customer name to create the invoice
Christine Bending commented
Hi with the classic invoicing my attachment would automatically appear on a split screen now you have to enter the customer account name first . As all my information to create the invoice is on my attachment I now have to manually write down or print off details from the attachment so I know who the customer is . I also agree with other comments that you need to do more clicks for callender and approve buttons etc so in all it is taking me more than double the time it used to take
Simon Marshall commented
The new invoicing page no longer allows you to attach/upload a file without filling out a contacts details first.
We manually take images and upload them with the Xero App of our handwritten "in the scheme sales forms" which have all the HMRC required details filled out by the customer at the time of purchase.
Previously I could create a new invoice, immediately attach the image of the form from Xero's Files library and then fill out all the details regarding the customer, and sales information from the image.
Now you must put the customers details in first which I dont have unless until I view the form. please can the restriction be lifted.
Ian Ousey commented
New invoicing - attach a file as the first step in creating a new invoice. In classic invoices I can attach a file from the library as a first step. In new invocing I must enter a contact name first, however I need to attach the file as a first step to find out the name of the contact. Please reinstate this feature into new invoicing which is currently available in classic invoices and bills.
Holly Gilbert commented
Being able to see the file after choosing it from Files then adding it to a new invoice is critical. Having to open the file in a new window and moving it around the screen so I can see to input information into the invoice seems like a step backwards to me. Please fix this so the preview panel is on the left like the old invoicing system. It makes for a much more seamless system.
Amy Robson commented
Upload receipts into Invoices directly from photo Library
Jacquelene Drummond commented
This is now very time consuming so not an enhancement with the change but additional step in this process by downloading the attachment to see the contact then having to manually attached rather than display on the left hand side of the screen. Why remove a key feature?
Garlico Marlborough 2013 Limited commented
As below. Please fix this. It should be a better system not less features. We need to be able to add sales invoice from the files area automatically not manually. This is a vital part of our invoicing
Condo Cartage commented
We need to have this working again - adding a file to a new invoice. We invoice from dockets sent to the Xero file, unable to do this without creating a contact first then adding the file....too time consuming when having to find out who the contact is first. Was working perfectly before the upgrade.
Allan Moores commented
From our CRM system we send Invoices to Xero files. We then select an Invoice from files and create Invoice with a copy of CRM Invoice attached. This is critical for us, as far as, we will not continue with Xero
Jessica Anderson commented
Keep it the same as classic invoicing - Go to FILES then select "add to new - Sales invoice". The file then displays on the left hand side so you can input the information from the file and know who you're invoicing.
You don't always know who the contact is without the 'file' displaying the information on it.
With New Invoicing, you have to select the contact first and then you can select a file but difficult because it doesn't display on the side for you to know what information to input. Also very difficult when you don't know who the contact is until you see the file.
Andrew Syme commented
The functionality to Add a New Invoice from the files area is Broken as the file is not attached to the New Invoice.
Nicole Walker commented
I have had feedback from my client and I too agree, we do not like the new invoicing system in Xero. Previously my client created invoices via files to pick up the PDF file. Now this doesn't work with the new invoicing system as you need to add in the contact and then attach the PDF file. In order to fill out the invoice, you then need to select preview to bring it up. It makes more work when creating invoices. I would like to propose that there is the option to keep the old invoicing system in Xero for those who like it better.
David O'Shea commented
This is absolutely essential for a lot of our clients. In a previous thread about attaching files to the new invoicing system, this was brought up. That thread has now been closed and marked as resolved. It is not resolved.
Please fix this before the enforced move across to new invoicing otherwise you are forcing me to move my practice to a different provider.