Xero Mail - Send as @company-name.com not message-service@post.xero.com
Ability to make an email sent from Xero appear as @company-name.com instead of message-service@post.xero.com, when users send an email to their client/customer.
Purpose: To provide more validity when sending communications from Xero out to clients/customers and avoid items ending up in Spam/Junk mail.

Hi community, thanks for sharing your continued interest here. We appreciate the importance of having assurance that mail you send from Xero is being received, and that being able to send from your own company email would increase confidence in this process.
I can confirm this idea has been regularly reviewed by our product teams, and being able to send from your own company email is on their radar. Currently there are other priorities, and platform work that requires their attention, before they can consider this more deeply.
We'll move the idea back to submitted so we can continue to gauge the interest through votes here. When there is opportunity to pick this up, I will share any news with you all here.
steven axon commented
If this is not resolved I think you will see a decline of subscriptions, Please take note of your customers needs not your profit margins. A company the size of xero cannot be marked as spam,
imagine if every google search of your business came up at potential unsafe are you sure you want to proceed. -
Perry Paolantonio commented
"That being the case, this is why we need Xero to climb down off the fence, and start writing some code....."
Exactly. Third party add-ons are NOT as solution. We pay $560/year for Xero and this is totally basic web service functionality. Nobody should have to rely on paid third party apps or browser extensions to make this work.
Tim Sneller commented
@David Nabarro
I presume that your Browser extension is not going to work with automated Invoice Reminders.
That being the case, this is why we need Xero to climb down off the fence, and start writing some code.....
David Nabarro commented
After experiencing the same spam issues, I built SendIQ (https://sendiq.co), a simple browser extension that sends Xero documents from your actual company email with delivery, opens and click tracking.
It works directly within Xero's interface, requires no technical setup, and maintains all Xero functionality including payment links.
Currently in early access with a free trial if anyone wants to try it while we wait for Xero to implement this natively.
Verafire Accounts commented
We integrated with https://www.xeroemail.com and it now works perfectly. The developers were great to deal with, it's simple and elegant, return mail paths are working and nothing now goes out from the generic xero email addresses. The pricing for us is good and for clients who send hundreds of invoices per month are also integrating. This had frustrated us for years and XERO constantly did not respond to a massive issue with insecure email.
Hope this helps.
Brendan Carmichael commented
Lack of mail authentication support (SPF/DKIM/DMARC) is significant enough for me to strongly recommend against Xero to anyone considering it.
David Hynd commented
We now use https://xeroemail.com and it integrates easily and works perfectly, where all mail goes out from our domain with replies coming back to our domain. The developer KALPVAIG has been awesome explaining everything and it is now in production with our first batch of email going out as we always wanted them to work and XERO never developed this ability in-house. It was deemed too costly and inconvenient to move away from XERO currently and the XEROEmail alternative was setup in 15 min. It's got our vote !
Phill Jones commented
I'm just adding another alternative to Xero that supports custom domain emails for those that need it: Quickfile. So far, I've confirmed the following products support this feature
Zoho booksSo there's at least five alternative options.
Perry Paolantonio commented
" and even if they DID, they would not know how to talk a client through REMOVING the address from the Spam list."
And that assume they can even do that. We have institutional clients (universities, schools, museums, libraries), where that can only be done by IT. If they've decided you're spam good luck getting them to change that. Especially when actual spammers have used post.xero.com to send phishing emails that purport to come from legitimate companies. I've received some of these myself.
Tim Sneller commented
Most people do not know why their invoices are being ignored by clients. They won't realise that they have been marked as Spam, and even if they DID, they would not know how to talk a client through REMOVING the address from the Spam list.
Bear in mind that Xero is only really suitable for small companies, because of a lack of multiple delivery addresses, dept email addresses. and MANY other functions.
Most invoices are therefore going to private individuals, who could be using multiple different email providers , Gmail, Yahoo, Apple, OutLook, Virgin, TalkTalk, etc etc . I have NO IDEA how to De-SPAM an address on any of these platforms.
Domain email is supported by most other accounts offerings out there. Xero - You need to catch up FAST.....
Graeme Hemmings commented
For me, this should be a critical part of the system.
A fair number of Xero users wouldn't even know that the reason their invoices / statements are hitting recipients' junk folders is down to SPF/DMARC/DKIM.
For that reason, I would say that gauging user interest here won't help, because most users won't know what they need. It's only those "in the know" who would end up on this forum post.
Prioritising this in the development cycle would be very helpful, for Xero themselves as much as their customers.
Jake Cormier commented
This is by far our biggest pain point in Xero and it's ludicrous that this isn't an immediate priority for development. Close to 1/3 of our invoices from messaging-service@post.xero.com get marked as spam, so we're constantly having to chase customers for payment. We use outside services for automatic reminders and statements, but by the time the customer receives those emails, the invoice is already overdue. We are seriously looking at moving to Sage. We've been with Xero for 15 years, but we are completely fed up with the huge longstanding holes in the product. Their developers spend all their time on things that nobody asked for and didn't need fixing. Beyond frustrated.
Phill Jones commented
I see some recommendations for Zoho books below.
If you're looking for alternatives that support the ability to send invoices from your own domain, take a look at
QuickbooksThey all have SPF, DKIM and DMARC support.
Part of the problem is that Xero's sales strategy is to sell through accounting firms. They get accounting firms to switch over and take their clients with them. So they only care about requests from accounting firms.
So if you're looking for an accountant, try to avoid ones that only offer Xero support if you can and explain why to any accountants you choose not to do business with. If you're not up for the hassle of switching accountants, put pressure on your accountant to support other platforms.
James Argyle commented
FreeAgent offers this functionality for users who are confident editing their DNS settings. It also provides the option to use the default @freeagent sending address for those who aren’t. Stripe invoicing via their platform offers the same.
Why are we still waiting for this, Xero?
Shashwat Singh commented
@tim_sneller @perry_paolantonio I sincerely apologize if it came across that way, but I haven’t seen any rule prohibiting the sharing of solutions—whether paid or free—to common problems. I shared the video simply to demonstrate how our solution works, and any Xero developer watching it would understand the process and potentially make it accessible to more users.
Regarding pricing, I believe there might be some misunderstanding. After discussions with over 20 companies, we finalized a pricing model starting at just $15/month. This covers the high API costs of Xero, the incoming email server, our app, its hosting, ongoing maintenance, and regular updates.
Also, I find it a bit unfair to be labeled as spamming when @Perry_Paolantonio are openly discussing alternative solutions like Zoho Books on November 8, 2024 11:29 PM. If sharing how we solve a real problem is considered spam, then shouldn’t recommending a competing product also fall under the same category? My intention is simply to help users facing this challenge.
Tim Sneller commented
This is SPAM. You are promoting a paid-for service. This forum is not Free Advertising for you. Please desist.
Neither does this help us in our struggle to get Xero to listen to us, and fix the problem. We should not be having to pay a third-party in order to get something which should be core and included functionality.
We do not have the money for this. We only actually send about 600 invoices per year. At your rates, this would cost us nearly 85p per invoice, added to DD costs etc.
Perry Paolantonio commented
1/3 of the past 15 posts on this idea are promoting your service. I'd call that spam.
Shashwat Singh commented
@Perry_Paolantonio I don’t understand how this is spam? We are providing an easy and affordable solution to a problem that many Xero users are struggling with. Our servers are hosted on Azure in Australia, fully compliant with Australian data privacy regulations.
Perry Paolantonio commented
@ashkay_singh - please stop spamming.
I swear every day the Xero ecosystem becomes more and more ******.
akshay singh commented
Send all your xero emails from your own domain in just 2 mins. Watch demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNsvdL-ppls (No need for multiple tools, relay systems, or complicated setup)
Contact : https://www.xeroemail.com.