Batch Payments - Ability to export Bpay batches
Ability to export Bpay payment batches.
Purpose: To save user time in exporting Bpay batches, as currently they have to do it one by one.

Mark Teven commented
Due to batch payments, i pay all my accounts at the middle of the month before they are due in one batch payment. This month I have 5 BPay payments that i have to do separately. This is time. I am time poor and Xero needs to get this sorted so Batch payments include Bpay payments as well. Saves a lot of time.
1). Registration
2). Insurances
3). ATO
4). Telstra Bill
5). Suppliers
6). Asic
7). WebcentralXero this needs to get done ASAP.
Fritz Shoemaker commented
We are getting hit with more and more businesses that are Bpay only in Australia, Telstra, Aurora Energy in Tasmania, council. It makes sense that there is a work around and I note that Xero team shared this idea 11 years ago. Seems like it is time to act.
Petronella Prinsloo commented
When will this be available? This is critical for a lot of businesses, especially in property development where there are hundreds of lots with individual BPay information for each Rates and taxes payment
Nicole Knecht commented
This function needs to be added URGENTLY! Takes me 5 times the amount of time to process my BPAY payments compared to doing a batch payment.
Cheryl Hammond commented
when will this be available???
Krystal Osborne commented
How is this not a thing yet! This is critical to batch payment options.
Lisa Bennie commented
When will this be available? This is critical for a lot of businesses, especially in property development where there are hundreds of lots with individual BPay information for each. The banks that we use do not provide BPay banking templates and instead direct us to discuss the matter with Xero directly.
Mark Teven commented
Many bills in our company Have to be Paid Via Bpay. This would benifet everyone.
Debora Aguilar De Oliveira commented
Unsure how or why this hasn't been made available yet.
Mark Teven commented
This Feature is extremely needed by many people. Xero you are charging the fees with many price rises but your noit listening to your end users.
Many company and biusines payments need to pay certain bills with Bpay. -
Tanya Toohey commented
Please set up this feature asap!!
Mark Teven commented
This day and age with Xero fees constantly rising. It should be an available function. BPay is a payment that we all have to make such as tax and asic costs. Zero team make it happen.
Maggie Bres commented
We need this feature asap within Xero. Very surprised that it isn't on there to be honest, seeing as so many suppliers using only BPAY.
I am new to doing direct payments through ABA file to the Bank, am I correct in that you cannot do this yet for Suppliers with BPay option only?
Michel Dubois commented
We need this ASAP
Debra Hill commented
We need this, there are more suppliers using bpay as the only option.
Brodie White commented
This would provide a huge relief to many bookkeepers. We have 60 Bpay bills to pay today alone!
Maree Marchingo commented
with body corporate fees for dozens of properties - there is no BSB and ACC - it would save truck loads of time ...please consider ...we have changed banks for one account for the simple process of paying multiple BPAY's but sill tiresome
Ashley Carmichael commented
Would really love to have BPAY batch payment functionality. It is time consuming to setup and also time consuming for approvers. Really need a solution for this like yesterday.
Tamara Rankin commented
Please please just do it