Invoice Branding - Increase limit from 15 Custom DOCX themes
There is no reason to have a limit of 15 Custom DOCX Branding Themes (when those are needed to be used as RCTI). Organisations that issue RCTI do so for many clients so why limit it.

Georgia Hill commented
We have a few clients that are medical related practices and they generally require more than 15 branding themes as they have more than 15 doctors/practitioners. Can we please increase this limit?
Jeremy Tan commented
Currently we have expanded number of sales countries, so we need more than 15 branding themes and if not we need manually issue the invoices, this will added extra work and times for it. Hope Xero can increase the number of allowable Custom Doxc branding themes soon.
Christine Leow commented
The limit on the Custom DOCX branding themes are too little. Pls review to increase this
Kerrie Opdam commented
We have a number of sales people and customer service representatives, so our contact details will vary from quote to quote - a limit of 15 is way too restrictive for our needs. Please increase the number of allowable Custom Doxc branding themes.
Adrian Bennetton commented
I agree with the other comments this is very limiting and I can't see why there should be such a limit or at least the limit should be much higher. We have the Premium subscription level of Xero as we need to invoice in various currencies typically GBP, USD and EUR to various customers around the world. As such, we need to handle Withholding Tax in different countries so at different rates. Other than VAT (we are UK company) other taxes are not handled within Xero. I can understand that might be difficult. So, we workaround this foreign Withholding Tax issue by having different Custom DOCX branding themes. Therefore, we regularly need to replace an existing DOCX file to get around this 15 DOCX limitation. Inefficient and time consuming for us. Its not as if these DOCX files take up a lot of disk space. Mine average about 150Kbyte each. This should be an easy one (low hanging fruit as we call it in my software company) for Xero Developers to fix unless the software wasn't structured well in the first place making it very difficult to make this change.
Wendy Blower commented
Agreed - we are having to make changes and then upload over others when we need them. Needs to be more than 15.
Todd McDonagh commented
We require individual templates for customers with multiple delivery addresses, so the limit of 15 is a huge issue. We now need to edit the account details every time we want to use an alternate address. Please remove the restriction ASAP.
Andrea Phillips commented
We have client who has very specific invoice layout requirements with One Invoice template for each store nation wide.... please remove the limit as I see no reason why it should be limited - can create unlimited standard templates but the changes one can make to those is very limited.
Sandie James commented
We are having to produce substandard invoices which looks very unprofessional - please increase the number of custom docx branding theme templates. 15 is a very random number.....unlimited would be far more useful.
Claire Perkins commented
Please can we have more than 15 custom docx branding theme templates. We could do with at least 20... please....