Settings and activity
5 results found
77 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for feeding back to us here. Understand the rationale for wanting to be able to apply discounts on bills in Xero, similar to how you can with Sales invoices. This is something our team would like to develop into bills, however there are a few other important pieces of work that need attention first. So, for the time being we'll leave this as Submitted but as soon as there's movement we'll update you of any change through the idea here. Thanks!
Tarryn Papier supported this idea · -
10 votesTarryn Papier supported this idea ·
453 votes
Hi everyone, totally get wanting to get an update from us on the idea here. Having a fair amount of interest from users I can say that Quote reminders are defintiely on the teams radar, however with current focus largely on new invoicing we do not have any immediate plans for this in the next 6 months.
I can assure you, though we mightn't be able to provide updates as frequently as you'd like to see, our product teams are heavily involved in the forums here and our community team often connect to share trends, discuss developments and externally communicate changes that are coming across Xero products. It's important to us to continue developing Xero to streamline payments and help our customers get paid sooner, and your idea here does sit in this realm.
When the teams resources open up and we can consider new development in Quotes like being…
Tarryn Papier supported this idea · -
94 votesTarryn Papier supported this idea ·
13 votesTarryn Papier supported this idea ·