Xero Projects - Create project from accepted quote
Xero Projects seems a bit backwards to me, you create project then can create or link a quote. It would be far better if you could create a a project from an accepted quote.
ie. Quote customer for job > Customer accepts quote > Mark quote as accepted and create project.

Al Yorke commented
@XERO Anybody listening???!!!!! Years later ... this is still a massive waste of time, causing duplication of manual data entry.. HELLO?
Aurélie Crapez commented
I don't see the point of using the project tab as it works right now. It's indeed backwards and doesn't make sense.
More than 2 years and no action from Xero so I guess it's not in the plan
Tim Vella commented
Please make this happen. it would be greatly beneficial
Alex Haggett commented
we need to be able to create a quote FIRST, then assign to a project
Sue Thornton commented
Fred Birkbeck commented
I have only recently turned on the projects function and have dozoens of quotes which are still active and awaiting the clients' decision, I have to retrospectively add all those task lines to a project. Not only that but I have to then calculate how many hours each task is to add up to the number of days that I quoted originally as it does not seem to be possible to add a task and charge per day for a project.
Jana Dunnet commented
Yes, creating a project before a quote is so backwards!
Luke Jones commented
I'm looking to move my business from Fergus Project management software to Xero Projects but this quote system by Xero seems a bit backwards and would likely increase our workload instead of reducing.
Any likelihood Xero will rectify this? Its been a long time since this issue was raised. -
Dave Sturman commented
The logical way to do things
Melanie Hancock commented
This makes so much sense and would streamline the process.
Rowan Murphy commented
Hi, this would be great for our business and would save us from double entering each line item (5-20 line items per job) from each accepted quote into Xero Projects for every single job we have been awarded!
It would save a lot of double handling. Please and thank you!
meg Cue commented
this would be a great idea, the current set up is very backward
Paul Marsh commented
This needs implementing asap.
Al Yorke commented
I raised a request a long time ago when this feature first was introduced. My submission doesn't appear to exist anymore.
This is a no brainer, and MUST be added as an option. The current process flow is backwards, The actual real life process flow is a quote first, then once approved, becomes a project. As the system stands now, we end up with a whole pile of "projects" in the system that where only ever created in order to raise a Quote, but many of these will never happen. Please add this function as an option.
Make Furniture commented
once a quote has been accepted it automatically populates the selected project in projects with expenses
Neville Palmer commented
Really important to be able to create the Invoice, PO and Supplier Bills from within the Project and to collect the costs and sign off the supplier bill from there.
Jaime Bigwood commented
This would be a fantastic timesaver, and as others have said, seems to be the logical flow.
Even if it only included the quote amount...... (though the description would also be fantastic).
Mel Eckford commented
I agree with this one too, seems very backwards atm.
We have so many projects on at the same time (and many with such similar names) that this would be so useful - keeping all the project information together from Quote to Completion would be amazing
Nathan Mullenbach commented
If I create a quote in the main app I should be able to make that into a project from the main app.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
This would be a great feature to have the option to build a project more autonomously. Also makes a lot more sense for the process to be make a quote first and then the project.
If there was a button when viewing the quote that allowed a project to be developed right from that screen. Or once the quote is approved if a pop up asked us if we would like to generate a project now. This could take us straight to the screen where you fill out the form for a 'New in progress project' or 'New draft project'.