Notifications - Email/notification when items are Awaiting Approval in Xero
Ability to notify an approver within the Xero org when items are in the Awaiting Approval status.
Purpose: Approver can approve or decline the transactions faster.

Aisling Harris commented
This would be very helpful
Dev Bhageerutty commented
Very often we missed the bills and invoices. It requires to be in Xero for me to be able to process pending bills. I’m always on the go (travel), notifications would be awesome and will speed up our process and at the end our client will be happy
Looking forward for some thing great to happen with Xero
We love Xero. Come on team ! -
Nova Jean Angelica Palaca commented
This is really needed .
John Goodrham commented
The lack of this feature alone is enough to consider an alternative software package.
The idea that managers need to hunt down invoices requiring their approval by logging in multiple times per day / week, particularly around month end, to see if anything is there for them is quite frankly ridiculous and a waste of managers time.
Cath Lamb commented
Also find a way to turn off expense notifications for the rest of us who have absolutely nothing to do with expense claims but get a notification every times one is uploaded
Fiona Forshaw commented
Would save so much time and errors if implemented, yes please
Amanda Ringer commented
Really help to make sure approver can quickly approve an invoice rather than waiting for them to log on and check through all invoices
Rafail Dimitriou commented
This feature would save so much time!
Dalpne Chin commented
Enable to add a workflow such as preparer role and approval role for Quotation, Invoices, Bill to Pay in Xero.
Purpose: Enable approver to approve or decline with adding remark for preparer act on the next steps. This can facilitate the whole process more efficiently. To notify preparer once the quotation/invoices/bill to pay being approved. So that preparer can proceed to the next step faster instead of need to keep checking on the status.
Neil Poland commented
Hard YES to this please
Joshua Perry commented
We have created a workaround using Zapier to trigger an email. It would be tonnes better if we could do it in-product.
Zak Labanca commented
Probably best to accept that Xero are more interested in increasing fees and making their product "beautiful" rather than useful.
Dext has introduced an approval workflow feature that includes the (obvious) step of notifying the approver that something needs checked. I'd highly recommend you use that.
If you are using Hubdock, or (god forbid!) the Xero in system billing features, I can't recommend a move to Dext enough. It's head and shoulders above both Hubdoc and Xero.
Kelly Mansell commented
Two years since this question was asked.... how has this not been implemented?
Sharyn Robertson commented
In this day & age, it's crazy that you can't let managers know that something is waiting for them to approve. Time for Xero to catch-up!
Elle Young commented
Currently we only use Xero Projects to manage our projects financials. It would be fantastic to notify our project managers that there are bills they need to approve so we don't need to do this outside Xero.
Tania Bogle commented
ASAP! please!!!
Bhavpreet Minhas commented
This should be basic functionality, not an improvement request.
Honestly sorry who are these creators of Xero
These are basic operational requirements for a company (small or big) -
Amaia Yeregui commented
I would like to have an approval workflow in which 2 employees in Xero have to approve a bill before we can pay it. One employee raised the bill in xero, it is sent for approval (in Xero), so the second approver will receive an email to approve that bill in xero, once approved will move to status Awaiting payment. Thanks
Samantha Higginbottom commented
Please can this be added ASAP, this would save our organisation so much time!
Tim Stainthorpe commented
This should be basic functionality, not an improvement request.