Xero Analytics | Short term cash flows - Balance sheet modeling required
Ability to show future cash flow projection in Xero.
Purpose: To effectively plan and manage the upcoming fund needs of an organisation.

Hello everyone, thanks for voting and commenting on this idea. Available right now is the short-term cash flow dashboard, which is a tool that visualises your future bank balance based on upcoming bills and invoices. The Analytics Plus version of this dashboard allows you to look 90 days into the future, and can make predictions for recurring cash transactions based on your spend and receive money history.
At this stage there are no plans to extend out the timeframe of this tool, or to account for balance sheet items but we’ll keep monitoring this idea, so please continue to add your feedback here on how this feature can improve your workflow.
If there’s any news to share, we’ll come back here and let you all now.
Handre Joubert commented
Where Online platform providers like Amazon and Shopify collect sales and settle them within a few days/weeks but the settlement payment has not yet been actioned. The cash is yours and will be settled.
It is normally reflected in a balance sheet account as an asset account.
Being able to link/map these asset accounts into the Short-term cash report would give a clearer projection of the cash projection over the reporting period.
David Penrose commented
I cannot believe that Xero does not support this feature, we have used it for years in very basic accounting packages, we also utilise it in Banklink Essentials.
I cannot see how any business can operate without a 12 month cashflow statement showing "Actual" and "Budget" figures.
Xero's response to me me is to use a Spreadsheet, why when should we wehn the information is already in Xero?
Diana Gillum commented
A running bank balance is an essential element to cash flow budgets and a requirement when applying for bank loans. Such a shame that Xero has been so slow on this feature.