Contacts - Automatic Credit Hold/Stop
Ability to automatically put customers/contacts in Xero on credit hold.
Purpose: This is to make staff within the Xero org can’t send the invoice to the customer if they have an overdue payment.

Hey community,
As some of you are aware, you can edit a contact and set a credit limit, and optionally block new invoices when the credit limit is reached in new invoicing.
Understand that a few of you are asking for a feature to put a stop on a contact so they can’t be sent invoices regardless of what their credit limit is, as well as others who'd like to see this implemented on the supplier side.
We'd like to confirm that this is not something we have plans to develop at this time. We're still interested to get a clearer understanding of users that'd like to see this developed, and will continue to track this through the conversation here 👀
If there's any change we will let you know on the thread. Thanks
darron Anley commented
I have to agree with all of the other comments - this feels like a basic for any mid size company. I have multiple sales people who would happily ignore a customer is overdue and send more products out to them.
An option is required to run a report and auto put on stop any customers meeting the requirements that are set
GREG OLIVER commented
An accounting package without the ability to place a customer on hold/stop credit??
Fix this urgently. -
Bonnie Wolverson commented
I agree. It would be very helpful to be able to manually mark a client as stop credit or similar so that no further work is started for the client. This could be for many reasons, not only if they reach a credit limit. Maybe because payment is over 30 days old, as an example.
It seems odd that a manual box cannot be added to the client file. -
Richard Crisp commented
Wow, I just google searched this expecting it to be a simple thing yet I'm directed to this page of unhappiness. By the looks of it it will never happen a bit like the other essential yet not looked at for years feature I was disappointed about before. Maybe they should spend less on advertising and more on developing what companies actually need.
David Reeves-James commented
I wouldn't hold your breath! I first requested this seven years ago and not a thing has been actioned, to date. For seven years, I have had to edit the customer's details to show '**STOP**' in the customer name to alert our sales team, that the account has is currently on 'stop'. This has led to sales staff, calling me every time to ensure the account is actually on 'stop' or whether I have omitted in removing the flag. It has also led to disciplinary action being taken by myself because sales staff have ignored the flag and gone on to invoice. You will learn in time, that Xero often change the things we do not ask for making the job more difficult and ignore our requests. I cannot imagine that Xero staff are educated in accounting and finance as this feature would be of paramount importance if we indeed, had it. One thing that Xero are very good at; Taking the money out of your bank account by DD, on time!
Good luck.
Carla Janse van Rensburg commented
I can't believe that Xero does not have this function. It is a critical function that ALL business would require. Please can this be escalated and very critical. i love Xero, it's been amazing. I would have thought they would have this function as they have so many user friendly functions that make life so easy.
Companies cannot rely on a manual system of telling employees who's account is on hold and can't be delivered/invoiced. this has to be a system function.
Helen Beatham commented
Our company does not grant monetary credit limits, rather our customers have 7-day or 30-day accounts and therefore need to go on hold if the invoices are outstanding - I urgently need this functionality.
I would like to know why you do not have plans to develop ?
David Allen commented
If we could put a client on stop which would prevent my sales team from raising further sales without getting in touch with my finance team. Clients can be placed on stop for various reasons. Sometimes a pattern of very late paying and the finance team will not want any further jobs on account its could be something in dispute so again it would be a very useful feature
David Reeves-James commented
What rubbish. Example: Customer has a £1,000 credit limit but £500 is overdue and the account should go on stop. You would still be able to raise an invoice because the credit limit has not been reached but the account is overdue. Can you actually tell me if Xero specialists are accountants / finance staff or simply IT staff who have no idea what they are talking about when it comes accounting and finance? You make changes to Xero that are NOT required and YOU do not ask our opinion on but, when we want something, you do nothing. I am seriously and actively seeking new accounting software. This is backward in every sense of the word.
Daniel Robinson commented
Wow, judging by the comments and this response I won't be holding my breath for this very simple and important feature but looking elsewhere for an accounting system that doesn't make it necessary to maintain additional spreadsheets alongside it to prevent quotes/invoices going out to customers over their credit limit/overdue with payment.
Shocking service and I'll be voting with my wallet.
Michelle D'ath commented
This is a very important feature.
If this is too difficult to add as a function, then the credit limit under the customer should also apply to quotes, so you can't enter a quote if they have exceeded their credit limit.
Julie Greenslade commented
Please, please sort a way of me marking accounts with overdue invoices as being on hold to stop further work for that client being booked in - it would really help me to keep track and be able to tell the team to focus on work for clients that pay their bills on time
Kelli Kirkhoff commented
Ability to be able to place a client on credit hold to prevent further work being started - currently the only way to put a client on credit hold is through job status but this is not effective as you have to keep putting new jobs on credit hold as they generate.
Warren Foy commented
Definitely need this. Big YES from me... that is if Xero even listens...
Shev Lizzard commented
This needs to be introduced for both customers and suppliers - currently no way to track supplier credit limits and identify accounts nearing hold.
Andy Fearn commented
Really Basic functionality why is it not yet available ????
David Reeves-James commented
I have been asking for a 'stop' facility within Xero for years. Unfortunately, there is no functionality for something that is so important that every other accounting software has. A credit limit to freeze the account in new invoicing is hopeless. i.e. a customer may have a £10,000 credit limit but only has £1,000 overdue on account. I have to say that is really is very bad for our business and makes Xero look awful too. NOBODY AT XERO LISTENS!!! THEY CHANGE OUR P&L AND BS REPORTS WITHOUT ASKING - FOR REFERENCE THEY ARE BLOODY AWFUL CHANGES BUT WHEN WE ASK YOU TO CHANGE SOMETHING, YOU DON'T LISTEN!
Jo Warren commented
Please add a simple function to be able to mark a customer or supplier as On Hold, would be great if this then showed in red at the top of any page you are looking at for that contact. A simple box or slider to mark as on or off.
Alison Harvey commented
We really need a way of putting customers on hold that isn't just to do with credit limits.
Zoe Murphy commented
Do these ideas actually go anywhere? You've had multiple customers asking for the same thing for over a decade. MYOB manages it with a simple click, yet we're supposed to uphold loyalty to a system that is lacking in basic functions. I've also been waiting on the option to send just invoices and not statements to certain people within the same company, only to have that idea sent into the void along with the thousands of others. As long as we have a shiny new interface that no one asked for though! Get it together Xero.