User Role - Restrict access to specific Tracking categories
Ability to restrict access to specific tracking categories for some users in Xero org.
Purpose: To help users hide the incoming and outgoing transactions from some users within the Xero org. Some organisations (e.g. not for profit) need this to protect the privacy of their donors and departments.

Alex Morgan commented
This would allow Xero to be used for more complex businesses that run multiple P&Ls but don't have scale to run a head office accounting function. I'd pay a premium for this functionality. BTW - it wouldn't necessarily need to achieved by the Tracking categories, although this does seem a neat way to do it.
I want the individuals running the businesses to be able to see and play with the reports in Xero.
Damien Welsh commented
I support a few businesses that use Xero. This functionality is crucial to protecting salary confidentiality and other confidential transactions. But what would also be needed would be to make this applicable to approvals so that you could only see bills to approve for your tracking category, this would save time as it would clear a lot of clutter from the bills to aprpove screen, making it super clear for users that this is for them to approve. (this is a typical workflow in NetSuite and similar ERP's so moderately high end functionality)
Neerasha Jugdeo commented
Hi I would love for the departments to be able to only see their reports and not the others, and I would like that they do not have the ability to amend the tracking categories but they can view the reports based on the category
Ronnie Rochel commented
protecting privacy is critical to our biz
Iqramur Rahman commented
i think this function is critical for a company with various departments to keep notification to certain approvers to a minimum but also restrict looking at wages information etc. i trust Xero can turn this around very quickly
Sheryl Beaumont commented
The ability to restrict the read only access of some users to specific tracking categories (business units) rather than the p&l of the entire organisation is important for several of my clients.
Simon Warnes commented
This feature would be very useful to enable certain staff to run department / tracking reports without allowing them to see bank transactions or wages information.
Jane Carracher commented
We would like to provide P&L detail access to the HODs in our business, to save them time instead of asking finance to generate reports for them.
Adam Willemse commented
Would be great if different department heads (tracking category) i.e. Head of Sales & Head of Product & Head of Customer experience etc. could only access/view their data for discussing monthly financials with them.
Charlie Brand commented
We are a film production company and have various projects on the go with their own teams. If we could restrict tracking categories to certain users, we'd eliminate errors in posting to wrong projects. Also, hopefully we could have a function where a tracking option must be selected in order to post the invoice.
Katrina Stockdale commented
This would be the most useful function for us. We have separate tracking categories which are managed by different teams, so we don't want them to see the other expenditure. It would also help to restrict access to certain bank accounts
HK.Juan Finance Team #1 commented
Yes. Lots of company confidential info should disclose certain portion to specific users, hope this can be further improved. thanks.