Invoices - Unapprove option
Ability to unapprove invoices once it’s already approved.
Purpose: it’s easier to have this feature if users approved the wrong invoices by mistake.

Phillip Bell commented
Please consider adding this feature it would make life a lot easier.
Shelley Knight commented
Please consider adding this feature it would make life alot easier.
Jacqueline Harrop commented
Please add an un-approve feature.
It would certainly make it easier! -
Sophie Pearce commented
Yes, agree - please add this feature!
Brian Downs commented
Xero! Where are you???
How could this feature NOT be an option????? I'm losing confidence in Xero for the many lapses in their software allowing the ability to edit each transaction up to payment. -
Jean Campbell commented
Any Updates Xero? Please. Still waiting on unapproved function.
Nikki Velinsky commented
When you have the ability to undo pretty much everything else on Xero, it can't be that hard to incorporate unapprove, instead of having to void/delete and manually redo?
Wynn Owen commented
Although there is a workaround, this option would save many minutes voiding/copying bills.
Karren Wessling commented
OMG!!! Have you really not responded to all of this feedback??? We need this should be simple enough to do!!! Come on already.
David Smart commented
Very important feature please add URGENTLY.
Accounts Officer commented
As per Nicolas Corod - really important feature to have on both, Invoice and Bills.
Nicolas Corod commented
really important feature to have on both, Invoice and Bills.
Deb Allen commented
I would really like to have the option of returning an invoice to draft. It is much easier than having to void and redo. Please add this feature.
Narelle Stone commented
It is very frustrating that this option does not exist, especially when you accidentally approve a bill with over 20 items only to have to void it and go again!
Just approved one by mistake!!!! would be great to have the 'un approve' feature
Jaine Wills commented
Absolutely necessary - please add
Jo Gonzales commented
Yes PLEASE add this feature.
Jean Campbell commented
Please please add the "unapprove" function. It is so easy to inadvertently select approve when creating a bill instead of save. The only option is to void the bill re load the invoice and start again. It's so very clunky. Not what I expect from Xero.
Alicia Firth commented
Unbelievable that the option to unapprove invoices or purchase orders is not available!
Irene Baxendale commented
It is so easy to click on the wrong invoice in error especially when you are trying to get figures out on demand