Quotes - Ability to keep description when a quote is copied to PO
Ability to keep description when a quote is copied to purchase order.
Purpose: To save time from having to re-type the description again.

Craig Bolling commented
All fields should be included. This is base level functionality for a system to permit traceability.
Karen Miners commented
It just makes no sense to manually do this. Serious risk of errors creeping in with the human factor to copy data. Come on Xero!
Ester Tiongson commented
Copying a quotation to PO with the details the same as the Quute is really very helpful and will save time to do it manually. I hope Xero will do some improvement with regards to this feature
Admin Team Resilience Engine commented
I also would like this. BUt better still would be the ability for the customer to accept the quote and add in their PO at the same time, thus saving us time completely. Can this be added in as functionality please?
Atlantic Accounts commented
Yes, please. This feature is needed for us. We waste hours every day with retyping data from quotes to purchase orders.
Alex Hasker commented
Why hasnt this been addressed int he last 7 years ?!