Quotes - Preview option
Ability to have preview options for quotes
Purpose: To make sure that quotes can be printed nicely.

Brett Arthur commented
If a preview option for quotes isn't added in the next few months I will have no option but change to a program that has this function
this is a necessity -
Ceri Roper commented
This is a necessity for me; I am confused why it is not an option already.
Gavin Comer commented
Need to preview so I can screenshot on phone and send to customer.
Naaria Wilson-Bairds commented
A preview feature NEEDS to be added just like it is for invoices, I shouldn’t have to waste time emailing myself the quote to make sure it’s all correct and looks good for the client. Very simple for Xero to add
William Cooper commented
I send all my quotes via Facebook messenger or watsapp so to be able to preview the quote and screenshot it to then send it as a photo is critical!
Xtreme Audio Visual commented
I really need a preview of the quote instead I end up emailing myself.. and checking for errors etc
Would be nice to have preview on quotes as there is on the Invoice Preview -
Sandy Shadwell commented
I have to send the invoice to myself to check that it is correct - which is MOST inconvenient and time wasting.
Then print again to see if there are errors.
Having to set the tax each time is also inefficient - it creates an opportunity for error. Annoying! -
Scott De Laine commented
Very Important.
It's crazy that this isn't a thing ,its crazy this form is full of simple logical things that Xero does not do. It's a feature on other book keeping apps that we payed significantly less for. -
It's crucial to have a preview button in quotes in order to be more efficient, I can't download a pdf every time I need to look at a quote before sending it to a client. Please take this into consideration, especially since you have that option for invoices.
Rocco Pollifrone commented
Please consider preview button for quoting, nothing worse than sending a quote out that cant be overlooked before sending, i currently need to email to myself then send to client. theres things in the app that are less important and installed on xero and a preview quote button is still not available. WE WANT THE **** OPTIONS
Mike Schwede commented
This is really missing
Focus Accounts commented
Preview option for quotes would be a material improvement and move towards alignment of the various entities.
Sandy Shadwell commented
This is not innovative. This is a step BACK. Revert please. SOONEST
Colleen Mogensen commented
I don't like the new format at all. I copy the information from the quote over to a Purchase Order and the old format was way better. Thank you
Rob Purser commented
Having preview option on the new format for quotes