Aged Payable/Receivable Report - Option to include CIS Deduction Value
Add CIS Deduction value to the Aged Receivables and Aged Payables reports. In the same way Outstanding VAT value is an option to include in the reports, also include CIS Deduction.

Natasha Tattersall commented
This would increase accuracy on CIS outstanding and checking closing balances.
Jackie Richards commented
Save a lot of time and increase accuracy
Vicki OBrien commented
This would be very useful
Marcus Feeney commented
Luke Irving commented
Any update on this feature?
Rebecca Roberts commented
This would be amazing - please can we have
Elizabeth Curtis commented
Could the option of showing CIS Deductions be included on aged payables/receivables reports?
Kat Mitchell commented
This would be really helpful and is very much needed
Zak Labanca commented
We waste so much time with this every year.
Would be good to have an update from Xero nearly 18 months on!
Twinn Accountants commented
This is an essential feature for accountants! Please introduce this feature.
Sean Meredith commented
On aged receivables and payables, it would be useful if in the "Columns" dropdown box if it could show outstanding CIS like it does with outstanding VAT.
It would be useful to see at a glance the outstanding CIS for both fully outstanding and also part paid invoices. -
Vikki Hillidge commented
It would be very useful to have an option to show the CIS on the Aged Payables and Aged Receivables report, similar to the option to show VAT. As this will help in reconciling the CIS debtor/creditor on the balance sheet.
Marcus Feeney commented
I need this in my life !!!!!!
Salleha Lulat commented
I was looking for a report showing exactly this recently!
Brooke Blades commented
This would be such a time saving feature!
Luke Irving commented
Would really love them to add this feature, although it is niche it is a critical part of doing a year end CIS rec!
Linda Hopwood commented
Yes please. This would saved hours of pain.
Zak Labanca commented
This is an excellent idea.
As it stands the CIS add on for Xero is poor to say the least. This would go some way to helping accountants reconcile the CIS account as the current CIS system is terrible.
Product clearly produced by someone with A - no actual real life experience of CIS and B - a very poor understanding of CIS.