Sales Invoices - Ability to print invoices in Xero in one click
Ability to have a ‘Print now’ option in Invoices, so the invoices can be printed in one click.
Purpose: To save users time from having to open the PDF and click Print again.

Robert Scheeren commented
Print for invoices and Purchase Orders should be a standard option! rather than having to save a file to desktop and print from that, very time consuming. Please please fix this!
Martin Snook commented
Not being able to print invoices is a huge hassle and waste of time for me. I print invoices to use as a picking list and then to send with goods. The change to only saving PDFs, which I then have to print and then delete, adds several more actions for each invoice. In my view this change to only saving as a PDF was a backward step and has reduced functionality.
Macauley Stephenson commented
All the time it opens another window, then wants to save to be able to print very frustrating.
Lough Conn Milling Co Ltd commented
Adding our support for this too please. Would be beneficial to us and customers. Would save so much time
Atlantek Broadband & Computers . commented
So many customers have asked us for this Xero, This will save a lot of time, when can you implement Xero Support?
United Cattle Breeding Service commented
This would be a great idea, adding my support to this forum!
James Kray-Hall commented
This will save a lot of time, I think its a great idea
Barnco Automotive commented
One click would save a lot of time and wasted time clicking 6x to just print, but now i must go into downloads after clicking print only to re command to print a number of times again. absolutely ridiculous system commands atm that may accommodate one but not many.
Thank you :) -
Roxanne Keys commented
Please get this happening! I say this as I am currently deleting my 4000+ temporary files I have had to download to print invoices for clients!
A waste of time and computer space. -
Rob Greenbury commented
We've been screaming for this for years. It's an easy fix XERO!, Come on!, We've been requesting this for 5 years!!!!!.
John Badaloff commented
Saves time, don't need to save the file outside of Xero and fewer clicks.
Anthony Best commented
PS Having an online platform is great until you lose the internet connection or have to produce documentation to support income and or expenditure to the Directors. What are supposed to do, carry and monitor with a long lead around the boardroom table to each Director. I think we need the amalgam of both worlds to do our job properly.
Anthony Best commented
Designers / developers need to understand that ROI on time spent in Admin Accounting is hard to financially recoup. Convoluted processes in XERO make a 2 min Job in MYOB extend to nearly 4 mins which doubles my time and increases from 100 min to 200 min or bit over 3 hours @$35/hour. Do that 2-3 times a week for 52 weeks and see what it does to the bottom line. I went back to MYOB because no one listens about what the customer wants and in PARTICULAR NEEDS! thank you
Roxanne Keys commented
This is so important. We are paying a premium fee for a very basic request. Expectations vs reality... right? Please can we get this sorted once and for all!
Alan Wilcock commented
It is a ridiculous think to have to do! What’s the point in having an online platform and have to download it to your computer?
Anthony Scarfo commented
For scenarios where a printed invoice is required for a customer, I don't like how the PDF is downloaded onto my computer drive for me then to physically print. It ends up accumulating to a large amount of files on our computers which are of no value to us when all the invoice data is stored within the Xero system anyway.
Compiling and opening the PDF within the browser would be preferable as I can still print from there without needing to locally download a copy.
Rufus Alo commented
The suggestion is extremely important. Xero should also allow selection of different paper sizes. For instance if the business is a supermarket where small sizes of paper are appropriate. After invoices are raised, there should be option for print immediately.
Thank you
Anthony Best commented
Pls add option for PJ's
Tracey G commented
I agree - it would be awesome to Print pdf and choose a 'printer' or 'save as PDF'.
We still print multiple of each invoice depending on the job taking place due to various stakeholders needing to be aware of what is happening - manually.
To Print a pdf:
Click Print PDF
Click 'leave as is'
Open pdf from bottom of web page
Click print
Choose Printer.Would be nice to skip some of these (time wasting to this workplace) steps.
thank you -
Lizelle Mostert commented
This feature will save SO MUCH TIME!! Please add??