Sales Invoice - Mark as shipped or processed
Ability to mark an invoice as "shipped". I want to use repeating invoices, but it's an administrative nightmare having to use an external method to track which orders have been shipped to the customer. It's not like you can even download just the invoice header information into a spreadsheet and use that. The export option downloads all of the lines, as well.
An invoice could have a field like "physical item to ship" or "requires processing after payment" that could be used to filter for "unprocessed" items.
A tracking number would be useful, too. Setting it to "shipped" would send a shipping notification to the customer.

Annabel South commented
Is there any plan to create this. This is causing lots of issues for our company. I know you can do this on Sage and I am trying to persuade my company to change to sage. Please let me know what the update on this is?
Mackenzie Reaordan commented
Xero Team, Any updates on this feature?
Paul Simmonds commented
We ship around 100 boxes a month and growing, a good thing of course! It would make our life as a new business much easier to manage and potentially stop us sending items out twice!!
Gregory Beswick commented
Need This Feature ASAP.
Carol Hatten commented
We need to be able to see at a glance if an Invoice has been 'Shipped' or not!
Tim Hyndman commented
This please. I would like Xero to prioritise feature enhancements like this and others urgently needed in the Inventory area rather than pointless redesigns of existing pages.
Lee Drury commented
Many small businesses must need to know if the invoice has been actioned ( in my case, shipped) and need a field for this. The more of us support it, the more likely we are to get it, so if you are reading this, please support it!
Lee Drury commented
Yes, I have precisely the same issue. I create about ten wholesale invoices each day for products we sell. Some need to be sent straight away, others we wait for payment, others wait for packing items etc. - it's a nightmare to know which ones are shipped, and I have to use a system outside of Zero to keep track of this. So at its most simple, just having a field like status where you can create the options even if you are manually updating them is a start - as long as this field can also appear in the list of invoices - in the same way, you can currently see a column to see if you have emailed the invoice etc.
Ideally, it would be great if you could also have a field for a tracking number, but even just a field with status with the ability to create the options yourself, as simple as dispatched, shipped, on hold, etc., would be a massive help. I am sure others could use the field for other uses. -
Laura Barrett commented
we really require this as you have no idea as to what you have and havent sent!
John Bryan commented
I am sure this was an item on the old Feature Request forum. This would be a really useful feature for us - just a tick box to say 'items shipped' and the ability to run a report on invoices not shipped plus payment status