Invoice Payment: Bpay integration - Using BPay reference number for invoice reference number
Ability to use BPay reference number for invoice reference number.
Purpose: Users can easily have an option to utilise BPay reference number as their invoice number.

Pauline Yeung commented
Invoice - Batch Deposit - Payment reference cannot be found on any reports
When doing batch deposit for invoices, the Payment Reference entered cannot be shown on any reports.
This results in difficulty in tracing Payment Reference for the invoices.
Henry Gregory commented
How does Xero have 0 functionality when it comes to BPay?
Not even an option to store biller codes and reference numbers on suppliers contact page.
Ruth Tourle commented
Ditto to all of the other comments. This needs to happen! Thanks.
Iain Herbert commented
C'mon you guys MYOB has this functionality out of the box. You need to lift your game!
Lisa Caukill commented
I have clients who need to pay a lot of bills via BPay. The option to do so does not appear to be available in Xero. It would be really good if there was some way that we could create a batch payment for this or just a BPay that they can approve and post.