Purchase - Add schedule payment date from within the transaction
Payment Schedule Date - add from other screens
Make it easier to schedule payment dates. I love the ability to schedule payment dates but it is only available from one screen. It would be great to be able to add a schedule payment date from within the purchase. That would mean you could approve and schedule from the one screen.

Belinda Jamieson commented
A feature to add scheduled payment date when approving invoices would enhance efficiency
Grace Occleshaw commented
It would make our workflow and our clients workflow so much easier if we could do the following all in one step or from the same screen:
1. Approve the bill
2. Allocate a payment date
3. Allocate a payment amount for that date
4. If the amount is not the full amount, set another payment date for the remainder of the amount -
Jonathan Cunningham- Sawyer commented
I totally agree!
Tanya Spence commented
Yes please!!!! Seems crazy to have a fantastic feature like scheduling bills but only be able to access it from one location. This makes an extra 4 clicks and a process interruption in order to schedule bills, which could all be done at the same time as scheduling.
Glen Daniel commented
It would be great to also be able to enter this in HubDoc and have it flow through to Xero