Bank Rules - Report to review bank rules and their application
Bank Rules Report
To enable review of all rules in place rather than having to select each one individually. This will enable duplications to be removed, rules not working to be fixed etc etc

Helen Bell commented
Agree - when there are numerous active bank rules it's truly inefficient to have to open each one to see where the rule allocates a transaction. Even if the treatment was shown on the listing page next to the main conditions that currently show, that would vastly improve the user experience in reviewing and correcting or removing innappropriate or outdated bank rules.
Do we have an ETA on this improvement??
Amanda Matthews | Chrisp & Davidson commented
I would like to be able to see when a rule was last used (to enable removal of double ups / old rules etc) and also be able to see what bank account the rule relates to.
Karen Simmons commented
A report of all available rules so that you dont have to go into each one to see the detail
Jean Sutherland commented
It would be great is there was a field that showed when a bank rule was last applied to a transaction. And then to have the ability to sort them in the order of when they were last used.
Peter Tracey (enspira) commented
Bank Rule Last Transaction Date.
If we could have a column on the Bank rules list that showed the date of the last time the rule was used to code a transaction.
Natan Gomes Martins da Conceicao commented
I completely agree, I don't think it's too complex for the Xero support team to include a search field in the bank rules. This is real negligence. To find the rules of a specific account we have to spend almost a whole day on a task that would take 1 minute if there was a simple search option.
Cecelia Laing commented
While you in the Bank Rules screen, it would be helpful to be able to select a particular bank account and see only the Rules that apply to that account. This would enable me to more easily track what rules apply to each of account, to review rules that could be out of date, or require updates, etc.
Alternatively a Report could be made available that shows all Bank Rules and all the fields/information included in each so you could review all in one report. -
Julia Hudson commented
We need a bank rules report so that we can see all bank rules and which GL account the rule posts to, this would enable corrections and review of rules
Some clients have > 100 rules, trying to find the rule which is posting incorrectly is very time consuming