UK Payroll - Add reimbursed expense to gross to net report
The gross to net report currently doesn't include reimbursed expenses, and possibly other things we haven't found yet so the net pay doesn't agree to the payslips! Please can we have a gross to net report that agrees to payslips? Failing that even a report that shows reimbursed expenses per employee would be better than nothing.

Tom Geoghegan commented
Not sure why this isn't a priority, should be an easy fix to add to the gross to net report so that net pay actually agrees to the amounts being paid and the payroll journal!
Paul Lawlor commented
In response to the question of when it will be fixed, I have been advised by a Support Specialist that "this is not the comprehensive timeline of a feature release that you are looking for".
Am I correct in thinking I've been told we know it doesn't work, but it's not a priority?
If so, a go-to report that payroll preparers rely on doesn't reconcile, and Xero doesn't take ownership of it.
Ashleigh Thomas commented
Agreed, it also needs to be able to filter by department. The tracking functionality is great in general but it would be good if the gross to net report could be done by department/tracking category as well.
Paul Lawlor commented
What purpose is served by a report which does not actually reconcile the Gross to Net Pay?
Why has this fundamental issue not been resolved by Xero?
Clayre Campbell commented
Totally agree, I need this to reconcile back to my net payment figures!
Paige Tanner commented
I agree. The Gross to Net report is a good format and to have the reimbursements and actual Total Pay included on there would be good.