Conversion Date Mid-Month
When posting conversion balances, you have to post balances at the end of the month. If you could select a day, i.e. 5th of April, it would make posting conversion balances a lot easier

Tanya Shepheard commented
Not always possible to do a conversion at the end of the month. Need to be able to do a conversion balance at a date of a customers choosing. This should be possible to do in Xero.
Dennis Colenutt commented
I agree with other comments. It makes no sense to limit conversion dates to end of month. And surely it would not be that difficult for XERO to allow for this?
Janette Telfer commented
Due to the fact that HMRC in the UK have changed the tax year for sole traders and partnerships to run with Tax Returns i.e. from 6th April to 5th April then it would be very helpful to be able to input conversion balances on the specific date to tie in with this.
Philippa Marston commented
If and when I transfer all the accounts i look after over to Xero i have the majority as 5th April year ends. I do not appreciate being asked to enter data that does not tie up with previous years accounts.
Philip Baguley commented
When changing from sole trader to a company business structure. I wanted to enter the conversion balance for a credit card. However, Xero only allows the balance to entered at the end of month, e.g.. 30-Sep-22. It seems.I cannot use the actual statement data which is 04-Oct-22, for a "clean" change over. Pointless inflexibility that creates more work.
Penelope Trotman commented
to be able to use 5th april as conversion date