Xero Expense report - Ability to add column for user that created the expense
To produce a report that shows all expenses entered via the expense claim feature for a specific period, which also shows who entered the expenses and details of the claims?
This is a useful feature required for comparing budgets and forecasting future cash flow expectations.

Gardiyawasam L C De Silva commented
I was surprised to see that this idea was raised back in 2022, yet Xero users still don’t have this valuable report. Since the data is already being collected, generating a report shouldn’t be too difficult for backend developers.
Bethany Mulder commented
It's surprising to me that this isn't already a feature in Xero. Xero has all of the data, it's just a matter of generating a report that lists the user and reconciled expense claims. I need to see which account each claim went into and who submitted the claim. We might abandon our Xero expense claim add-on to find another third party app, due to this lack of reporting.
Katharine Cooke commented
We need to be able to report by user and time period.
Emily Knight commented
I've been asked to run an expense claims report that shows who's claimed it, when & where they incurred the expense & what they spent the money on (ideally with copies of the receipts).
At the very least, I'd like the facility to sort the list of expenses in 'business/expenses/all' by the date the expense was incurred. Or export it into Excel so I can sort it that way.
Thank you -
Margaret Valletta commented
Would love to be able to create expense report for review that lists all expenses for an employee or selection of employees by DATE of expense to review for overlap. Would also like to be able to search the expenses by the tag that the employee uses? I feel like there is something missing with the expense reporting feature that allows for error, for oversight, and over payment. (Like duplicate submissions, similar submissions, the ability to see how many employees submitted expenses on that given day for check/review for over spending. Bouncing from employee to employee for comparison or review is a real pain.
Becky Jones commented
This would save us so much time in response to queries, and of course is required for audit purposes.
Lucy Hodges commented
We have a mixture of reimbursable and non-reimbursable expense claims so this is really crucial to be able to see spend by individual as there is no other way to extract this information without manually typing on each "Spend Money" transaction whose expense claim it is.
Jessica Vasey commented
we need this for auditing purposes so we can see how much our sales rep are spending on the road during a certain period of time for both there company card and there personal spending claims the other reports Xero are recommending does not give the data we need.
Jo Whapham commented
I agree with this as it would be very helpful for audit purposes
Heather Cusdin commented
I would like a report to see who has approved the expenses to save going into each claim individually. As it stands if you are a submitter and approver, you can approve your own expenses which is a flaw in the system.
Gabby Bartolone commented
This report will be beneficial for the company to see the costs incurred by each employee for a dated period.
Jo Whapham commented
This report is necessary to enable management to see the expenses that are being incurred across the organisation
Suzanne Main commented
I would really like to see a report as we have users submitting their credit card receipts and these are checked and approved by the finance manager since there is no way to allocate particular approvers to approve their own staff. We want to send a single report to each employee's manager showing them what the employee has spent on their credit card, but this doesn't appear to be an option.
Nicola Robson commented
To be able to run a report or export a list to excel of submitted expenses claims from the Expenses claims screen to review before approval. This would also need to actually include details of the claims being made. At the moment it is only possible to run a report of approved claims using the aged payable report, and there is limited detail of what the claim consists of. When there are multiple claims submitted it can be difficult to compare and analyse a long list, especially when claims are paid monthly.
(This could be partly solved by enabling combined claims as suggested elsewhere) -
Lena Thomson commented
Would it be possible to have a reporting option added to the Expense Claims function, much the same as the request for reporting option on the purchase order function. I would like to export a report detailing All Expenses so that I can filter on supplier etc.