AU Payroll - Search by Employee across all of Payroll reports
Search by Employee across all of Payroll reports. We have 110 - 120 staff, currently we have to scroll down to find the right employee, can we have a standards search by employee. ie/ start typing their name and then hit enter

Hi Belinda, to check in on your idea here are you looking for similar to the Pay History report that allows you to search the employee versus drop down and select as you do in the Leave Transactions report?
Collis Marrett commented
Or perhaps an alternative would be to make it so that when you return to the employee list, you return to the next employee on the list from which you just left, instead of returning right back to the very first employee on the list every time.
Karen Howes commented
A search function would be fantastic for this, but as a workaround, on a screen with a report open with all employees listed, you could type CTRL+F & search the name that way.
Naomi Gibbins commented
Get rid of the drop down selection & just allow us to type in part of the employees name. With many employee names it is ridiculous to be using a drop down menu that doesn't also allow search. Can you imagine having 120 staff and using the little arrow to get to W? It's absurd. Also - maybe make all reports able to select multiple staff members with a little tick box.
Belinda Coombs commented
Yes, in a lot of screens & reports you have to scroll through the all staff to find the one your after.
We have 120 employees, its a pain :)
eg. Timesheets under the payroll tab, its not just tin reporting