UK Payroll - Multiple workplace pension contribution levels
UK payroll - Have the ability to fully process 2 workplace pension schemes. We have 2 contribution schedules, one basic minimum level, one at higher levels. Sage can process both of these and send the correct contribution amounts to NEST. XERO is unable to do this and requires manual intervention in XERO and at NEST. This is crazy, surely I am not the only one with more than one set of contribution schedules?????

Hsin-ya Liao commented
You are right in not being the only person/company that needs this functionality - Xero Payroll has a lot of room for improvement - what will it take for them to take this idea onboard and start making changes?
Elaine Hardy commented
I have a client in a similar position.
They have employees who are automatically enrolled into the main scheme and then given the option to salary sacrifice.
Most employees opt for the salary sacrifice, but this isn't included on the pension filing report as it's not the main scheme so most of the data is missing from the file.
I can't use the salary sacrifice scheme as the main one, as they would automatically be enrolled into that scheme when they join, which isn't correct.
I understand that this has probably been set up this way to allow for pension contributions which go to a different provider, but the client is finding it very confusing that the reports are wrong.
I feel there should be a way to link to pension pay item manually added to the payroll to the main pension provider so the pension filings report is correct......
Samantha Gibson commented
Ours is all the same pension scheme but one employee wants a fixed amount deducted. It's always appeared on the one report before..................
Sheena Beckwith commented
I too have the same issue with two employee groups, one QE and one total earnings. Disappointing that Xero can't handle something so straightforward as its just a calculation behind the scenes!
Fatima Rampurawala commented
I'm in similar boat we have two contribution schedule one for qualifying earning and one for all earning, but via Xero we are unable to submit both contribution to Nest which does seems crazy.