Bills - Show bank details in Bills to Pay screen
It would be good to be able to see the bank account details (BSB and Account number) on the new bill screen when entering invoices to be paid. By having the contacts bank details on the entry screen you can easily check that the bank details in Xero match what is on the invoice. This would save time of having to go and open the contact to check that the details match - not to mention save time of having to download the invoice so you can view it while checking against the contact. Being able to look at the contact bank details on the entry screen would save time, ensure you are paying the correct details and identify changes needed.

Shelley Nolan commented
e Sad to see that this idea is over 2 years old with no feedback or outcome.
Even better would be to also have it on the AWAITNG PAYMENT Screen so that when you are checking off supplier statemenst the bank details are there to be checked.
Even better again... when you select a planned payment date you are prompted to tick off that you have checked the bank details in Xero match the statement Bank details of the supplier should be visible on all screens when entering and checking invoices.
Ginni Wootton commented
Fantastic idea - sooner the better.
Wendy Fitzgerald commented
David Cohen's screenshot is brilliant!
Wendy Fitzgerald commented
This is a fantastic idea. With many offices going paperless, we do not always have the physical bill on hand when making payments so to confirm bank details we need to open the attachment and compare it to the batch payment. With BankWest now closing all business accounts, many businesses are changing bank details and we are having to check each one as they come through which is very time consuming.
Lauren Batten commented
Great idea, would make for an easy double check that current banking details are correct.
Janette Taylor commented
Yes please!!
I came here looking to support a request for this feature as we are often paying new suppliers and it is time consuming to have to go to add their bank details separately to processing the bill. Even more time consuming to confirm we have the correct bank details still on file each time.
The function to check bank details as well as add/update details from the bill screen would be life-changing!
Jayne Harris commented
Also to be able to add the bank details of a new supplier when entering their invoice for payment would be really useful
Ana Menendez commented
This would be great, but for us what would be really important is for the Export that you can create for bills that are due to be paid on a certain date, to include bank account information, instead (or as well) as the contact address, as you then have all the necessary details to set up payments from your bank account, especially since the batch payment feature does not work with currencies other than GBP
Heather Allcock commented
brilliant idea! Sooner the better
David Cohen commented
Hi Xero,
I second this proposal and see it as a good value add.
Herewith a screenshot of the New Bill Screen