Reporting - Show the statement lines reconciled to each account (income, expenses, assets & liabilities etc)
It would be really helpful if I could produce reports (by various time periods as usual) that list all the bank reconciliations that I have posted to my various accounts that I have created. This is useful for me to check in my book-keeping role to ensure that I have reconciled everything to the correct account, especially before passing everything to my accountant to produce the accounts.
Does my "Postage & Stationery" account include only postage and stationery bank statement reconciliations?
Does my "Salaries" account include only salary bank statement reconciliations?
etc etc

Hi Anna, have you tried the Account Transactions report with the 'Related account' column selected?
Sounds very much like what you're after here 🙂
Charlotte Armitage commented
I too need this. Trying to support cash flow commentary for board packs is becoming more difficult.
The issue with the above suggestion with the 'related account' column is that one transaction may be coded to multiple codes so is difficult to extract in excel without manual intervention.