Bills - Attachments from repeating bill template to be linked to generated bills
Attachments in repeating bills are not attached to the actual bills when Xero creates the bill.
If the repeating bill is deleted, the link of the repeating bills will be broken and we cannot get the attachment in the repeating bill.
so I suggest
1. having the attachment in the repeating bill attach to the actual bill when Xero create the bill; or
2. have an archive function for repeating bills that are expired so that the actual bill can still be have a link to the repeating bill to find the attachment.
Attachments such as working or scanned bills are important.

Matthew Burnett commented
Would be great if this can be addressed ASAP Xero.
Ashley Beck commented
This seriously needs to be added as a feature. Without it, the repeating bill function is useless.
Alan Steele commented
I agree. I have only just realised that it doesn't do this.Also, what is the poitn of having an option to attach something when it ignores it? Alan
Guillaume Jolly commented
Like most businesses, we have a lot of repeating bills.
I'd like Xero to recognise that the repeating bill instance and the email forwarded bill are the same and attach the bill document to the corresponding instance of the repeating bill. This would reduce our bookkeeping workload by 1/2.
Mandi Grenenger commented
Why is this not a thing yet?! Bookkeeping is all about source documents and somehow the source document is not attached when generating a bill from a repeating bill. Please Xero address this :)
Penny Gibson commented
Repeating Bills - Attached supporting documents should automatically include the attachments with the invoices/bills when they're generated by the repeating invoice. For audit purposes this would be awesome and stop having to find the document and upload it again, everytime.