Xero Expenses - Ability to combine multiple photos to one receipt
Be able to take more than one photo on the phone app and combine to one receipt, to be used for multiple page receipts or long receipts that do not fit into the one photo

Mel Southin commented
One receipt at a time is wasting valuable time. You may even have to attach two receipts or documents for one claim, especially if original cost is in foreign currency and you want to show the amount taken from your bank rather than the XE exchange rate.
Deb Emmerson commented
This would be beneficial to load more than one file/photo for expense claim. Sometime you have an invoice then the receipt if paying online with company credit card.
Bryce Ritson commented
My teams rarely have a single receipt to claim. There are typically 10-12 receipts at a time. This system limitation drives them nuts!
Debra Hall commented
Our sales and engineer teams don't want to waste time submitting one receipt at a time. We are now looking into alternative solutions with other providers.
Reed Wade commented
I was surprised that I can only add one document to an expense claim.
It's not needed all the time but is frequent enough (and others have it) that this feels like a large annoying feature gap. From the dates on this thread I presume it's not liable to happen anytime soon.
(Looks like I can attach multiple files to this posting tho so someone sees the value of it.)
Mike Ison commented
If you have an iphone and use notes, create a new note, select the camera,, then scan documents. This will allow you to combine multiple pages into one PDF file and then you can sent it via apps or email to where you want it to be. To me this is one of the most underrated features on an iphone, but it will help in the sort term whilst this is sorted.
Roy Moorefield commented
Generally agree with prior comments. I didn't see anyone mention that some vendors were now printing double sided receipts, so that would also be relevant here.
Today, I uploaded a 2 page emailed PDF receipt via Xero Me. Both pages were captured, and the details were auto-scanned correctly. However, I had to move the PDF file from my desktop to my phone to be able to upload with auto scan. I guess for a multi-sided or multi-page printed receipt, you could take separate pictures on you phone, combine them (somehow) into a PDF, then upload that PDF, but that is a time-consuming hassle. -
Michael Doherty commented
How massively frustrating. 2 page hotel bill in a foreign currency with supporting AUD credit card screenshot. 3 images to select from my album. Why is Xero preventing all parties from seeing what they need???
Ronald Hays commented
Now that Classic expenses has been disabled, it is absolute BS to have to pay more for a subscription to use the Xero Me to manage expenses from non-company accounts with LESS options to easily manage expenses - no pulling in contacts to make entry faster, no ability to add more than one image for receipts where there is a separate paper for detail and another for the CC transaction. We have been happy Xero users for years, but will now be looking at QuickBooks to see if it is better value for the money.
Phil Rowe commented
One work-around is uploading a pdf with multiple pages - still not ideal
Platypus Billing commented
I come across long receipts a lot. Due to the Hubdoc limitation, I tend to only take a photo of the 'relevant' part of the receipt, but should CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) ever come calling for an audit - I will be in trouble. CRA will want all the receipts electronically, but it wants it COMPLETE. That means I either now spent hours to create complete records or I risk having to do the work OVER AGAIN when the time comes. I consider it negligent that you have not fixed this. Without this functionality, Xero cannot be the tool that supports us in an audit situation. It negligent of you to not work on this high priority issue!!!! Quite honestly, this should not be in the "product ideas" (which sounds too much like 'nice to have') but "fix-it" category.
Just as an illustration, what I have to do now (and this ties into the fact that the documents that are turned into Xero documents from Hubdoc are managed separately from the documents that are sent to Xero Files):
1. In app take photo 1 - upload
2. In app take photo 2 - upload
(3. etc.)
4. In hubodc select the photo that has the most relevant piece of information and create the invoice/credit memo - publish to Xero.
5. Ignore all the warnings of duplicate documents (sigh).
6. Correct auto-extracted info (such as dates, supplier, type of document) for photos 2-x.
7. Publish photos 2-x to Xero Files (individually)
8. Open Xero Files
9. Find photos 2-x and figure out which one is 1 or 2 or 3 or what have you.
10. Rename the file (Receipt page 1, Receipt page 2, etc.).
11. Go back into my bill/credit note.
12. Attach the missing photos.[By this time night falls over our little town on the ocean, many other tasks have been neglected and will remain undone).
I'd be happy to hear if you have a quicker 'work-around' suggestion. And if you are suggesting using a scanner - most of these receipts are too long for a scanner as well, so I am creating multi-page documents via the web-interface, which takes just as much time.
Kate Martin commented
Many of our receipts are more than one page. I would consider this a fundamental requirement to make the Xero Expenses app work properly. It is too confusing to have to implement work arounds for each member of staff.
Pride Carpentry Australia Pty Ltd commented
Great idea, definitely would make bookeeping easier
As You Wish Stephanie Gregory commented
when researching this looking for a webinar it comes up with xero classic invoicing that can support this however it also states this this is an outdated system and not for new users after 2018. Surely if this could be done back then and with the modern world going paperless it would make sense to give the option to switch between the new and old interfaces. This should be made a priority as this is something that every other company offers and they apparently understand that this is very much a part of modern business. It needs to be addressed and very quickly as this is the next few years with multiple orders being delivered together due to climate change and caring for environment is going to become a way of life for all businesses. The sooner you jump on the band wagon the better.
Beth Hudgell commented
I'm shocked that Xero doesn't have this facility in the first place. A lot of our expenses are in a different currency so we like to see proof of the receipt and a copy of the bank statement to show the exchange rate is correct to what they are charging. Please can you get this added as an option.
Manuel Sanchez-Laulhe Mera commented
It is so time consuming that employees can attach one receipt to each claim.
Appreciate if this can be implemented so we can save on employee costs as we have many AEs travelling and they spend too much time claiming.
Adam Camilleri commented
Being a plumber it becomes extremely frustrating and time consuming upolading only one file/photo at a time.
I want the provision to select multiple photos at once through my phones galley and upload all files at once.
Ha Nguyen commented
I have the same requirement. This will help a lot.
Phil Rowe commented
Is it possible to combine separate receipts uploaded to Hubdoc into one entry but show two receipts?
I often have a receipt from the card terminal showing the card I used and a separate receipt showing the items purchased and the VAT breakdown. I don't always upload them at the same time. Having the facility to combine the two entries into one would be super helpful.
Kay Peoples commented
The ability to upload more than one pdf to a "new" expense claim should have been resolved before the ability to switch the "new" view to the "old" expense claim view (where this could be done) was removed.
Very disappointing!