Quotes - Only display the Item Code and Name when searching
In the old quote version, when adding an item it would search just by the item code which was great.
Now it searches and displays even in the item description, so now end up with a big list to scroll through with description also showing, and especially as the font is bigger.
Any chance this can be looked into and item search just looks at item code/name, without searching and displaying description,?

Richard Bergen commented
This is now happening in INVOICING as well. Please go back to Item codes first, then in description if needed.
I have noticed that when in QUOTE mode, item codes don't work well.
I will type in an item name, and the drop down will give me EVERY item that has that word somewhere in the item, including the description. And then I have to scroll down to the one I want. This could be 20 items. And alphabetical by item name, so the one I want could be a long way at the bottom.
When in Invoice mode, the same word just gives me the item names with that word, usually 2-3 items.
I prefer the less items!!
Can they make it the same? -
AdminDana A (Admin, Xero) commented
Thanks Sue - appreciate you jumping across from Xero Discussion to add your idea here, where we can get a sense of the interest from others that'd like to see this too!