Bank Reconciliation - Ability to make bank rec turn green even when there's something in discuss tab
Find and match on bank rec to still go green when there is an entry on the discuss tab.
Currently the right hand side of the bank rec will only turn green if there is a possible match and nothing in the discuss tab. If there is something in the discuss tab it will not turn green even if there is a match.
It would be great if the border of the box still turned green whilst displaying the comment to indicate that there is a possible match to allow the user to review and ok the transaction.

Mirick Biron commented
This would be a great feature to allow us to do a quick overview of what the client has and hasn't uploaded
Karen Blackwood commented
We use the discussion tab to ask clients to upload documents for the bankfeed transaction. When the client uploads the relevent information we have know way of knowing because the match function doesn't override the discuss tab, unless we manually check each transaction separately.