Repeating invoices - Daily repeating option
Repeating invoices only currently have the option for weekly or monthly- would be really helpful for an daily option

Gillian Rooney commented
I agree that a daily repeating invoice option for the same client , would be extremely useful.
We record daily incomes from outlets this way and it would save a great deal of time/effort and accuracy. -
Katrina Allen-Rock commented
I hope this is an issue taken up by Xero. We have daily repeating invoices that have several line items in them. It would be a great time saver to only have to enter minimal information
Sally Hinchliffe commented
I'm only just starting to use the forum, but this is a great idea and one that I have just been searching for
Damian Clark commented
This app has daily invoice scheduling - there is a sign up page at the bottom of the page. Beta testing currently -
Rosanne Stevens commented
Repeating invoices- daily option
Repeating invoices only currently have the option for weekly or monthly- would be really helpful for a daily option -
Rosanne Stevens commented
I can't believe this only has 11 voted. Don't let that be an indication of how many would find this super useful XERO, it's probably more that users don't actually utilise this forum.,
Linda Turner commented
Yes please!!! This would save me so much time as I currently have to copy an invoice and then change date etc.
James Mackenzie commented
Yes, it would be great to have the ability to set Day of the month or Week - not date based. i.e. Every "Friday" or every "Third Tuesday of the Month"
Tracey O'Neill commented
To have Daily repeating invoices instead of weekly and monthly as there is no option for this and when creating invoices manually it is not cost or time effective
Jeremy Vigar commented
Placeholders seem to currently only offer Week, Month & Year but not ‘Day’ or [DATE] or [TODAY]. (with the usual +1/-1 feature). This would be hugely helpful for recurring daily or weekly invoices or for communicating a relevant billing period on a Monthly invoice without having to manually update the date in description of every Repeated invoice. Currently more work is required and ALL repeating invoices need manual intervention before approval whereas if this could be automated Bills could be automatically approved and sent with a far greater efficiency.