Contacts - Include account number or email address in exports
We need to export donations from Xero to our CRM system. However, matching on Name is looking very difficult but we could add either the CRM ID to the Contact record as their Account Number, or their email. However, I can't find a way of exporting a csv containing the date, amount, and either email Account number. Can this be added?
Hi Nigel, coming back over your idea here I wanted to confirm it is possible to export contacts and their data from your Xero organisation.
This will include Account Number, email - See our article here.
Can you expand a little more on what you're meaning by date and amount? Thanks
Christophe Marquis commented
Hi Nigel,
2 points
1 - Similar to Enock's request is the fact that the Account Number cannot be exported together with the invoice information; although the Account Number can be added in the invoice template, it does not get exported which is extremly annoying when we need to link with other systems which mainly uses a common account numbner rather than an name (since it often differs - as indicated above for CRM).
2- Additionnally to the account number why Xero cannot export all information showing on the invoice...
Thanks for the feedback and visibility on a product update
Enock Pereira commented
Xero should allow for a contact export where you can have a column with the unique ID of each contact. That is quite helpful if you need to run a reconciliation with other systems.
Tony Goodrow commented
Add the company account number to the list of fields that could be inserted into an invoice email. In the absence of the invoice export including the invoice url (something that would enable us to give our customers access to their invoice from within our SaaS platform) we could scrape the company number and invoice url from the emails generated and that would give us a decent work around.