Payroll Report - Annual Payroll Summary
A year-end payroll report which lists the employees, and provides total amounts for Gross earnings, PAYE, and all other deductions for the financial year, with company totals at the bottom. Basically it could just be a one-page summary for the year, depending how many employees there are. Most other payroll systems have the report option, and it's very important for end of year wages reconciliations.

Andrew North commented
A period report to do this. Can't believe it is not available as we have to send quarterly earnings and hours for each employee to a government organisation. MYOB have it. It is called "Payroll Activity [Detail]" report
Vaitheeswaran Ramaswamy commented
While small businesses do not have the resources to invest in customizing the reports, it's imperative for Xero to listen to its customers and work on all the ideas that would benefit its customers.
Essentially, it's up to Xero to improve its reports and if it's not possible, at least link the database to a report writer software so that third parties can deliver customizable solutions to the users.
Yetunde Sogunle commented
This report, in a tabulated format, is a standard report in all the other payroll softwares that I have used in the past 25 years. Many businesses have to submit the total earnings and deductions per each employee report to their year-end accountants or auditors. Businesses who make R&D tax credit claims would also have to provide a similar report with the monthly payroll breakdown per employee to the provider managing their R&D claim.
I'm surprised that Xero doesn't have this standard and basic report. Instead we have to run the payroll Activity details report for the year but the report is in an odd layout (like the Xero payslips) so, you end up wasting time manually collating the data into a spreadsheet. Thanks to Xero Payroll's weird reports, a 1 minute exercise becomes a time-consuming task.
If Xero won't provide tabulated annual summary reports, I wish they would at least let user be able to design and create their own reports from scratch.
Xero has a p
Carey-Mai McIntyre commented
This is what I need as our financial year is different to individuals so I can't even go by their annual earning cert. 1 page doc is what my old system had with each employee, their gross earnings, tax, deductions, reimbursments, superannuation, nett pay etc.
Abe Damon commented
This could be a deal breaker as other systems have this as a matter of course. You should be able to export it to export so that you can analyse the data.