Fixed Assets - Change behaviour to recognise new asset when account type updated on existing transaction
An Information message to advise implications of editing the "Account Type" when posting a bill for a Fixed Asset.
"If an approved bill or spend money transaction is edited, and the account code is changed to one with a Fixed Asset account type - a draft asset won't be created". ie- it does not automatically update the transaction to include the item on the fixed asset schedule. Unless the item is manually added to the fixed asset register, it will not be included in subsequent depreciation runs.
Ideally the system should be designed to fully complete the edit or should not allow the account codes in question to be edited at all.

Claire Hancott commented
I would prefer it always creates a draft asset, when a FA account type is selected.
It's annoying having to manually create the assets
Janet Velthuysen commented
It would be great it there was a linking bill function to assets so that if the draft is not created you can still link a fixed asset to the original bill entry.
This will also be usefull with pooled assets where multiple bills are pooled into one asset and all the bills can be linked to a simgle asset entry.