AU Payroll - Ability to calculate protected amount for child support deduction
Currently payroll is only able to child support as a deduction.
In Australia, there is a protected amount that employee needs to earn before the deduction is taken out of their pay. There isn't a function that will allow this currently.
Payroll officers manually have to keep track of this and remove the deduction if protected amount is not reached. Small businesses with a few employees would be able to keep track but for the likes of a bigger business with more than 20+ employees, this would be a nightmare.

Paul Slater commented
Same in NZ. The only protected earnings we require by law are for child support deductions, and the feature isn't available for that item.
Yet we can set protected earnings for court fines which isn't required by law in NZ.
Come on Xero "team", a few seconds of coding to duplicate or move the feature to the legally required item would save us so much pain and annoyance. Sometimes I think you are just trolling us by implementing features incorrectly, sitting in your ivory tower, patting the cat on your lap, while laughing maniacally at us plebs, with your only concern being which new model of helicopter you should be purchasing with our next fee increase.
OP Kristy took time out of their day over two years back to make this suggestion. People have voted, people have commented, it's an easy fix, so what's the problem?
Or is Xero satisfied that the best community driven solution, because Xero isn't offering anything of value to the conversation as per usual, is to use any other payroll service other than Xero? -
Sallyann Duck commented
It would help if a note was added to the Child Support Deduction guide stating that Protected Earnings are not supported by Xero at this time, and that this needs to be checked before completing a payroll.
Deborah Mulvogue commented
This is important and not just for child support deductions. I have a client who has an employee with a court ordered debt arrangement which includes a protected income amount.
Lizzy Garrett commented
This is a critical function, many other platforms provide a protected earnings hold amount. This is an Australian government mandatory requirement and this option needs to be implemented ASAP
Kim Jackson commented
Other platforms including MYOB AR have the ability to have a protected amount -this needs to be implemented ASAP
Julia Payne commented
I suggest you check out attache and how they manage protected earnings and child support. its all streamlined
Kwei Ma commented
For AU user. If we could have a special column in employee's bank account tab where we can record their child support detail (Services AU's bank account & individual's EFT code). Then for each pay run, the ABA file will include a line for the child support payment to be processed along with employee's net wage. Imagine if a business happens to have 10 employees paying child support, how much time it will save the payroll officer.