Sales Overview - Bulk "Void" button for invoices
Can you introduce a "void " button please on the invoice listing page. We have dozens of invoices that have not been paid as customer cancelled order but we cannot void them in bulk. We would like to use the checkbox next to the listing of invoices and select "void" to do them all at the same time rather than one by one which we do not have time to do.

Alex Dukas commented
Please get this done!
Heather White commented
This is an important feature needed. I had to manually void over 700 invoices due to an error that would have taken longer to correct on each one.
Madelyn Famlonga commented
This would be very helpful, and save me a lot of time
Jarred Stenfors commented
The fact you cannot bulk void is obscene. Xero, you need to listen to your customers and sort this out.
annette colton commented
Issues setting up integration with GoCardless and another software package has left us with several thousand "phantom" invoices that we now need to void.
An option to bulk void sales invoices would be much appreciated! -
Mark Bishop commented
I have also requested this same thing! I recently had to void something like 600 invoices, which took me a whole afternoon to do!
Would be really helpful
Ben Hicks commented
Within both Invoices and Bills under 'Awaiting Payment' having the function to void multiple items at a time. Instead of having to click into them all individually to be able to select 'Void'.
Tim Wilshire commented
Wish Xero would respond to this clear feature need.
Tim Wilshire commented
Absolutely crazy that this may not be a feature. I have a client file with 3000 outstanding invoices.
Lucy Burton commented
I spent 20 hours this month correcting invoices received from eCommerce sights, there was over 3000 bills and invoices each. This is really critical please please add!
Matthew Mossbarger commented
This would be very useful for our business as well. We do a lot of eCommerce and there are about 15 to 20 invoices per month that need voiding to keep the books straight. We do this work at the end of the year. A bulk "Void" button would be awesome.
Wandy Hochgrebe commented
Absolutely agree with Oliver Williams! We have customers who change their mind. Also, we had a glitch, which meant a high number of invoices appeared in our accounts and I had to delete them