Payroll reports | Timesheets - Export with Start/End & Notes
with the new functionality of adding start end times and notes, we are not able to print or download this data in any reporting. the only way we can SEE this info is in the individual timesheet by person.
If you can update the report to include all information that would be useful as the current process is only half done.

Matthew White commented
This is a critical addition required. As a compliance manager for a number of businesses, I often recommend using Xero for payroll, but only realised today that there is no compliant timesheet reporting available, which would be a fundamental requirement in the event of a FWO investigation. Please implement accurate reporting of the start/finish times reported by employees throoigh Xerome.
Loretta Sutcliffe commented
Ive got many clients starting to get employees to use timesheets in xerome but we are unable to check the validity of work hrs as we cannot see start and finish times and breaks. Would be great if the timesheet detail report extended to cover this additional information. If Fairwork were to request copy of detailed t/sheet we wouldnt be able to as employees are entering direct into xero not on paper form.
Kirrily McKay commented
Agree - definitely need to be able to report on and export start / end time information from timesheets.