Branding - Add Tracking Categories to Invoice Template
Adding tracking categories to a sales invoice template.

Belinda Koch commented
It would be good to have the option to add it, or remove it, from your invoice template. In some instances its vital to have it shown to the client/customer, and sometimes the info is not relevant or should not be shown.
Stuart Fleming commented
Absolutely NEED this to happen please.
Marco de Meyer commented
And not just the invoice template, but also Quotes and PO's
Karen Wright commented
Absolutely critical for the way we do business to be able to add the tracking category field to a standard invoice.
Ilze Le Roux commented
There are so many people sharing this need, can everyone please vote please!!!!!
Anne Halls commented
I think this would be quite basic - otherwise why bother having a tracking system.
Sacha Brooks commented
This would greatly assist strict Description of transactions both for customer and internally. There may be problem space-wise to include it in standard invoices but in Advanced templates where the user has control of layout that could be managed so even if it were only enabled as an option for Advanced templates that would be useful.
Rhian Charlwood commented
The tracking category, whilst visible to me on the sales invoice, isn't available for the client to view. We invoice a head office with multiple delivery sites; this would be so useful so that the client can immediately see which site the invoice relates to.
Emma Riddell commented
We have parent companies who we invoice on behalf of other parties, because we also use 'sales items' we don't want the description overridden on our repeating sales invoices whenever a sales item is updated. We also don't want hundreds of sales items for effectively the same thing with a slightly different description. Tracking seems the most practical way to achieve this, but pointless to use if it can't be displayed on the invoice.
Cameron Kerr commented
I have one large client who is a parent to multiple subsidiaries. The invoices get sent out by the parent, and the client wants to be able to include the name of the subsidiary on the line-item as well as the salesperson (alternatively truck, driver) used.
I can get part of the way there by having a different branding template for each subsidiary, and communicating this via the Invoice API (BrandingThemeID), and wedging additional information in the description, but it would be much preferable to have this as a proper template field.
Alternatively, the ability to add additional fields that are visible as a column in the invoice editor and available to template (and don't have the limitations of Tracking Categories) would also be a great solution to this problem.
Maggie Geiser commented
It's possible to add the Project column when creating the invoice, so it seems very odd it's not possible to have it show up on the invoice itself. I would also like to be able to reorder the columns in the invoice.
Andie Mar commented
I actually don't even know what the point of having the tracking is if it can't be added to the invoice for the customer to be able to see.
Sarah-Jane Bishop commented
This would be a useful option to be able to access when needed by the business and avoid overloading the description section by manually adding this detail each time.
Nadine Human commented
Please incorporate this into the invoice template, as it is a request from several clients.
Linda Simon commented
Have multiple customers wanting this and there's no decent workaround available.
Craig Syme commented
This is important for us, please implement
Alize Hough commented
Please add this
James Ling commented
The clients want the job code (tracking options) to be reflected in the invoice template.
Gavin Jardine commented
Another failure by Xero to meet customer needs. Doubt this will be implemented Time to consider other packages.
Tiana Ferreira commented
It is the only way for us to assign a project number on a Purchase Order - it may be a deal breaker