New Account Summary Report - Search by Account Code
The new Account Summary Report needs the Account Code in the drop down list. Currently it only has the names of the accounts. There is no option to show or hide the Account Code. Sometimes I work with the account codes and not names. I need the ability to type the code in as well.

Julie McDiarmid commented
We bill our clients under the Account Partner and I need to be able to quickly provide an Invoice report for each Partner. The detailed report allows for this but does not just give me the total of the invoice I have to select the line items even though they are not relevant as it is only the total of the invoice that is relevant.
If I choose only title the invoice total is added by the number of lines in the invoice and blows out the Receivables Invoice report by literally hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Maggie Kavanagh commented
Totally agree with Korene. The accounts have no numbers and there is not even the option to sort by alpha order. I think they might be in number order without the number being displayed. This error is poor and should not have been released for customers to have to feed it back.
If this is a new development then why not have the number field and name field so that people can select by either. But to remove the numbers and leave a random list of many many accounts in no order at all is a major error.
Obviously many of these 'new' layouts have not been tested at all by Xero - basic functions being lost. Leaving the testing to customers is lazy and bad business.