Allow "Current date" to be inserted in reports at the client level.
There is no options to insert automatic date formatting into the reports at the client level. When the "current date" insert field doesn't work you have to manually enter the date all the time. It would be easier to be able to insert "current date" field.

Tracy Woodfield commented
The ability to insert a date that which literally update. Currently you can do this in reports for the current date and the year end but if this gets overwritten for example you are then stuck with having to update the date manually every time you want it to show the current date. This gets very frustrating when reports have been particularly customised and you can't simply import another report
Erika Kuzma commented
I've just asked the same question to the support team today (see attached screenshot). Can be very frustrating when someone overrides the inserted field - especially when a bit of time has already gone in to personaling the accounts pack and re-running it would be time wasteful.