Report templates - Support General Purpose Financial Report (GPFR) templates
Financial Statements-General Purpose Financial Statements template published will be much appreciated so the accountants have more options

May Huang commented
It has become essential to our practice growth.
Elio D'Amato commented
This is a much bigger issue than many think... this could be a real problem if not resolved shortly. Are there any updates? Otherwise I will have to seek an alternative solution.
Megan Taylor commented
As a firm that has clients required to report to QBCC, having GPFR's would make our systems more streamlined and consistent. We are currently seeking alternative solutions to support us with this, but we don't want to move away from Xero.
Mark Lennon commented
We have company clients that are Australian subsidiaries of overseas companies. Some now require General Purpose - Reduced Disclosure (instead of Simplified Disclosure), some require full General Purpose financial statements.
For the latter, we have always had to go outside of Xero to prepare their financial statements and reports. We have previously used Thomson Reuters for this, but they are too expensive, and they are still not compliant at this stage - we have to transpose into Excel, and amend. Very time consuming.
For the former (GPFR-Reduced Disclosure), we now have to go externally also.
But, for both, adaptation/modification within Xero would not be difficult, if it was available, because Xero is far more easy to work within than, say, Thomson Reuters.
Thank you.
Donnie Buchanan commented
We build GPFR in Xero - - Have partnered with Thomson Reuters for this, it is a simple and cost effective solution.
Sue Collins commented
When is Xero going to provide report templates for Tier 2 Company Reporting (for Profit entities) ? Currently there is no specific template for Tier 2 organisations.
Anshu Dhar commented
Please implement General Purpose Financial Statements for the 2023 FY, it will save so much time if you guys do this.
Michelle Cock commented
Starting from 1 July 2022 we will need to start preparing General Purpose Financial Statements for some of our clients. It would be amazing if Xero had a report template that we could use to prepare these.