Banking - Increase character limit on bank reference field
Bank feeds from Bendigo Bank, and I presume all other OSKO being fed into the reference field. It concatenates the description, payee and reference field.
The problem is the field is now too short with new OSKO payment descriptions, so the reference field is often dropped off making some transactions difficult to match. A simple solution is to make this field longer.

Fiona Macartney commented
We have a similar problem.
We have just changed a lot of our clients over from MYOB where we could get supplier account numbers, IRD numbers etc in the bank feed details, and could then set bank rules for them based on the account number etc.
With many transactions Xero gives us a lot less information. Often the supplier account number is missing, or IRD tax type & IRD number are missing. This makes using bank rules impossible for many transactions, and takes a lot longer to reconcile manually as we have to go hunting to find out what the transaction was for.